Chapter 22

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○Y/ns Pov●

Me and J were laying down on the wooden planks in the ceiling above Dad's desk in his office. The wood that we laid on were made of thick durable wood because we like to chill here alot.

If you went abit further back, you would see that there was a tunnel large enough for us both to escape incase of emergencies. And, of course, Jinx had drawn all over the walls in brightly coloured crayons.

Little bits of metal and cogs and other things J occasionally used to make little machines or bombs up here are scattered all around us. If you strained your ears enough, you could hear the faint sound of the roaring music in the club below.

I was sat up against the wall with Js head on my lap with me stroking her hair to try to provide some comfort as she seemed really nervous. She snuggled into me and wrapped her arm around me. Dad opened the door so quietly that I almost didn't notice that he entered untill I heard the door click closed and the creak of the chair.

I looked down and saw that dad was sat at his desk, ruffling through some papers. After a second, I glanced down at J and played with her hair again.

Then someone slammed the door open unexpectedly, making me jump slightly at the noise.

Once again, I peered down and saw that Sevika had crashed through the door and sat at the sofa at the other end of the room to dad.

In her normal hand, she carried a bottle of whisky in a fancy decanter with a Cork in the top. Using her teeth, she plucked the Cork out of the top and spat it somewhere near the bookshelf.

"She fired on us, Jinx did," spat Sevika and glared over at dad.

"There us always mishaps in battle. The firelights were their targets and most are dead," stated Dad as he continued to shift through his documents.

Whilst he was saying this, Sevika took a short swig of the alcohol and used her wrist to wipe her face. She stood up and growled, "It wasn't a mishap. She froze up and lost her shit!"

"I could have handled those brats. She's a problem and we all know it," she explained annoyed and by now she was stood up and infrount of Dad's desk.

I felt Jinx freeze up on top of me upon hearing those words. Sighing, I patted her head softly and pulled her in for an even tighter hug.

"I wish they would get along," I thought sadly as I turned my attention back to J and the conversation below.


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