Tony's Flight

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By the time Tony finished packing for his trip and had a small panic attack it was time to leave for Gibbs house. He was extremely nervous and overwhelmed. He could never be a good father, he did not have a good example growing up after all. He drove over to Gibbs house which seemed to take no time at all, he couldn't even remember half the drive. He parked in the driveway next to his Boss's truck and just sat there. He saw his boss come out to his car. He pulled out Tony's suitcase and opened the driver's door unbuckling Tony and guiding him into the house.

Gibbs put the suitcase by the door and brought Tony to the living room where he was cooking steaks over the fire. Placing Tony on the couch Gibbs went back to the fire and waited for Tony to talk.

"I don't know what to do boss" Tony finally whispered. "I can't be a good father, I mean I didn't even know I had a son and the poor kid is already going to have to deal with me as a parent. I'm not ready for this boss. I can't do this!"

Gibbs let Tony rant then calmly completed the meal and gave Tony his plate while sitting on the couch next to him. He started eating and encouraged Tony to as well. "You're not alone in this Tony. If you need help you can ask me for it. You know about Shannon and Kelly, I have some experience."

"Boss, I can't ask you to help me raise a kid. What if it is too painful for you. I do not even have room in my apartment for a child. I am going to have to find somewhere else to live and maybe it would be better to just have my Uncles in England raise him instead. Right because I can't be responsible for a child and messing him up"

"Tony I wouldn't have offered it if I didn't want to. Tell you what, when you get things sorted in England, come stay here for a bit until you can get the hang of parenting and find a safe place for him to grow up. I have the extra rooms and I can use the time to do up the guest rooms for you. How old is he? Will I need a bed or a crib?" Gibbs said a way to calm Tony's opinion.

"He is a 4 years old boss and I couldn't ask you to give up your extra space for us. Are you absolutely sure because this is a big commitment for you?" Tony stressed. He knew it would help massively to be with Gibbs coming back with Harry but he did not want to take over his boss's house.

"It is fine Tony I want to help. I will get some things but you will need to figure out clothing size there when you meet him. I can make a list of things to get for your stay there and help bring him home like a car seat and sippy cups. Maybe pull ups in case he is still being potty trained" Gibbs said, grabbing a piece of paper to write a list for him. This helped Tony calm down a little bit. About an hour passed finishing dinner and talking about what will happen when they come back before Gibbs tells Tony it is time to go to the airport.

On the drive to the airport Tony's anxiety grows again and he has to take some deep breaths to calm down. He knows it is about a 7 hour flight with a 5 hour time difference so leaving at 10 pm he will get to London 5 am D.C time and 10 am England time. He spent most of the flight sleeping and trying to watch movies to calm down before arriving.

Arriving in London he decides to grab a taxi to the hotel and check in first. There he can freshen up and get some breakfast. He takes the drive to the hotel and after a long hot shower to get rid of the feeling of the airport he orders room service for breakfast.

He arrives at the hospital around 11 after settling in a little and goes to the front desk. "Hi I got a call yesterday from a Grace here about a little boy who was brought in, my name is Anthony DiNozzo." He is unsure how to tell them who he is here for without a name. The woman behind the desk calls for Grace who takes Tony to an office first.

"Good morning Mr. DiNozzo, we spoke on the phone yesterday about your son. I am going to tell you more about his condition then I can take you to his room. I did not want you to see him first because his injuries look bad." Grace says after sitting them down. "Now he was brought in here by a stranger. He was found wrapped in a blanket in a field miles out of the city with blood all over him. The stranger gave the Local officers his statement yesterday and left a name and number as well. He has a cut on the back of his head that we had to staple but no internal bleeding luckily. He has a broken arm and 3 broken ribs as well as a lot of bruising. We noticed third degree burns on his arms as well which we had to clean and will need more time and attention to heal. He also had a concussion from the hit to the head. We do not know how he received the injuries and we are still waiting for him to wake up."

"Do you know if the local Officers are running an investigation? Would I be allowed to help and or send some information to my boss if not? Did you have anyone take pictures of all the injuries?" Tony did not know what to do so he did what he knew best and slipped into Agent mode. "I would like to see him now"

"Of course we can go see him. You will have to talk to the local officers about any investigation. We did take pictures of him when he came in and we also found a blanket wrapped around him under his shirt with the initials HJAP that we assume are his. We have not yet been able to find the family or his name. We put the blanket in a bag because he was trying to hold onto it" Grace says as she leads him to the room Harry is in.

As they walk in the room Tony sees this tiny body in the bed making the bed itself look huge. He is black and blue all over and wearing a green cast all the way up his arm except his hand which is wrapped for the burns. He has bandages wrapped around his head and arms and wires everywhere attached to all the machines. He looks younger than four years old. Tony walks to the chair next to the bed and sits down to look closer at his son. He all the sudden knew he had to do this.

"One last thing, he had an accident before coming in but we do not know if it was due to his injuries, the amount of time, or him being unconscious so we put him in a diaper. If you notice it is wet or smells please have a nurse come change him because he does have a pretty bad rash currently." Grace said as she was leaving. Tony nodded his head and he understood.

Tony took out his phone to call his boss and try to figure out the best thing to do.

"Gibbs" his boss answered

"Hey so I made it to the hospital. It is so much worse than I thought. Multiple broken bones, head wound, bruising all over his body, a concussion, third degree burns, a nasty rash on his groin and he is tiny. What should I do?" Tony stressed looking over Harry.

"First you need to take a deep breath DiNozzo. Is he awake or do you have time to go get some clothes he can change into for when you leave?"

"He has not woken up yet and they will be keeping him for a couple days so I figured I had time to get that stuff later. He looks like he's about two or maybe three years old boss" Tony said, touching Harry's hand gently. What they did not know was that Harry's magic protected him from more severe damage and was slowly healing some injuries. His magic however was exhausting him which is another major reason he has not woken up.

"Okay you have a bit of time so relax and stay by his side if you can. Is there any kind of investigation into what happened?" Gibbs asked after Tony explained how a stranger found him in a field.

"I need to talk to the local officers about that but if they don't I will. How did my baby end up alone bleeding out in a field wrapped in a blanket? Oh also I know you said pull ups but the doctors had to put him in a diaper so which should I get?" Tony asks, trying to focus on his son's health more than his own anger.

"Get a package of both and talk to him about it when he wakes up. Let me know if I need to get a training potty too please for the house" Gibbs says. "I have to go into work Tony but you'll be okay. Call me later if you need to, okay?"

"Yeah boss. Thank you" Tony says slumping back in his seat. Between the night time flight, the stress of the situation and not sleeping well due to the last case Tony is exhausted. Just as he is getting ready to close his eyes he sees Harry's hand twitch. 

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