Meeting with Vance

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About half way through the afternoon Tony was called back up to the Directors office. He grabbed the file from his desk and asked Gibbs to join them in the meeting as well. He was finally going to do something about a problem he had discovered after Zivas's latest problems for him.

They got up to the office where Cynthia let them through to Vance's office. Tony and Gibbs took the two seats in front to Vance's office.

"Good afternoon Director. Before we start with what I have I will answer any questions you have so we do not forget." Tony said as a greeting knowing everyone would be too angry later.

"Good Afternoon, I did not know Gibbs would be here too but okay. How old is Harry and how come you only have custody now?" Leon asked.

"When I left abruptly, I got a call from a hospital in London England where I was told my son was and that he was in severe shape. When I got to England we confirmed the DNA test and I got to see Harry. He was found by someone, wrapped in a blanket in a field, after his uncle had beaten him into unconsciousness then after thinking he had killed him, dropped him in the field." Tony said, trying to keep his voice steady. "When I got to England I talked with the local LEO's and the detective on the case where we found his aunt, uncle, and cousin. I reached out to my Uncle Clive for help with a lawyer and just being in England was a good chance to see him again. He was extremely helpful to us."

"I was wondering why he was so tiny, he does not look like he is four like you said in the forms I read earlier. I also noticed he has a scar on his forehead and across his eyebrow and eye."

"He got that scar originally at 15 months old when his mother and stepfather were killed, after the childhood he has had so far has made the scar bigger. He has a lot of other scars as well." Tony said.

"Okay and Are you having him go to the daycare at the Navy yard or did you find somewhere for him?" Vance asked

"I am going to have him at the navy daycare until he starts his new school at 5 since he is almost 5 anyways. My uncle will be with him for two weeks while he slowly starts to integrate into school and the new environment. We are also staying with Gibbs because my apartment is not big enough for us both." Tony said.

"Okay I will keep that in mind, if you ever need an emergency babysitter let me know. I'm sure Kayla and Jared can help keep him entertained. Now what did you want to meet about?" Vance asked. He saw the folder Tony brought in

"Thank you, I will keep that in mind especially after Breena has the baby. Now when I was gone in England I told Boss everything. When he picked us up we went to my apartment as my Uncle will be staying there while he is here and to pick up some more of my stuff. My door was unlocked and when Gibbs cleared it for safety he found a note." Tony opened the folder and took the note out to show Vance. He sat back and watched him read the note. "As you can see Ziva decided that it was okay to break into my apartment, go through my things, and not even close the door when she left. This is not the first time she has picked the locks in my apartment."

"When I cleared the apartment some of Tony's stuff was thrown around the room and even broken. I have also been having a problem lately with her attitude. The more I got my memories back the more I realized her attitude is completely different than before Mexico." Gibbs said. He did not know this is where the meeting was going but he knew Tony would bring up the apartment for his and Harry's safety.

"Does she have this attitude with everyone on the team as well?" Vance said. He read the note and was disgusted.

"She has had a problem with me from the very beginning, I think she manipulates McGee against me as well but he has been better since I got back today. One of the first things she did was to host a team dinner, invite everyone but me, then lie to the others that I was busy. I found out after she shot inside a locked storage container, hitting me in the arm, and lighting up money making me inhale smoke. There are a ton of other instances as well. This folder is full of every form I and others filled out for insubordination, questioning authority, committing crimes to apprehend suspects, and dereliction of duty. I am also pretty sure there are more pressing matters but have no proof myself." Tony said, handing the folder over. He saw Jethro's face with some of the things he listed.

"I have a few things in a folder as well from earlier. I noticed how she does not follow the chain of command and has no sense that she did anything wrong. She talks too often about all of us keeping secrets however never tells us her secrets. She has never seen beyond Tony's movie star jock mask to see the skilled investigator we know." Gibbs added. "Jenny put her on our team immediately after Todd died and now that I think about it, I do not think she went to FLETC. She may be putting every trial at risk by not having the authorization to collect data. Jenny told me she trained but she joined too quickly for even the 6 week transfer course we do when agents come from the rest of the alphabet agencies."

"Is there anything else I should know? I am going to look into her files, training record, and this folder. We will meet again tomorrow or the day after to discuss next steps. If I find any deceit I will have to invite IA and probably JAGG because this effects the cases that go to trial." Vance said putting a new toothpick in his mouth as he got more stressed.

"The only other thing I can think of right now that worries me is her clearance level. If she has no training, comes from Mossad, and is not an American Citizen she should not have the clearance she has. So why does she have such a high clearance and what does she do with it?" Tony said. She had once told him she had a higher clearance than him, which he doubts after all his undercover work. "She was also her brother's handler, who killed our agent and then was immediately placed on our team by the Director. We have many capable agents at NCIS who would have better filled the slot. Have McGee still be a probational agent, we should have picked up a junior agent who would have earned his place on the team."

"I will be looking into this. For now you will be on cold cases and Balboa will take over the MCRT work for the rest of the week. Gibbs, stay up here, Tony, go tell Balboa what to expect. For now nobody else will know about what is happening." Vance said. Tony stood to leave feeling a little lighter. He knew he would have to be careful, even more now with Harry around, but he knew that in order to protect his son Ziva needed to go. He did not care if it was to Gitmo or back to Israel.

He walked down the stairs towards Rick's area to talk to him. He sat on the edge of his desk and waited until he finished what he was typing.

"Hey Tony, what's up man?" Rick Balboa said. He leaned back in his chair to look at his friend.

"Hey Rick, for the next week MCRT is on cold cases so you'll be taking any calls for us. Also there's someone I want you to meet this weekend. Can you stay for a bit after the pick up game?" Tony said, smiling thinking about his son.

"Yeah man, we can have lunch after if you want. You can come to mine. My wife has been asking about you lately. She is worried something happened when you got a call one day and then left."

"I am sorry for worrying Sarah, tell her I am alright, I had a family emergency in England. I'll see you on Saturday. If you need help with the cases let me know." Tony said, patting Balboa on the shoulder as he stood to go back to his desk.

After he got to his area of the bullpen he saw McGee working on something on his computer and Ziva typing something. He walked behind her and saw it was in Hebrew. Due to the fact she had refused to write reports in English during his time as team Lead he recognized a few words. He immediately grew suspicious and went to email what he saw to Vance. They would need someone to check her computer and email. For the rest of the day Tony got caught up on paperwork and got some cold cases out for the team.

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