Meeting Gibbs

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Gibbs had been waiting outside the airport for around 40 minutes when he finally saw Tony turn the corner. He had a tiny little boy in his arms and an older gentleman who had to be his uncle Clive with him. He could not tell if Harry was being shy, scared, or tired from the early wake up and flight. He took in the black hair, skinny arms, and pale skin little Harry had.

"Hey boss" Tony said as they walked towards him. Gibbs pushed off the car to stand up.

"DiNozzo, it's good to see you again. This must be little Harry" Gibbs said once they reached the car. Gibbs took the suitcases and put them in the trunk of his charger.

"Yes this is Harry and this is my Uncle Lord Clive Paddington" Tony said gesturing towards Clive who was helping give the suitcases to Gibbs. The two shook hands and finished "Harry bud can you say hi to my boss. You talked to him on the phone yesterday, remember?" Tony said, pushing the hair off of Harry's forehead. That is when Gibbs noticed the unusual scar across the boy's forehead and eye.

"Hi Harry, how are you?" Gibbs said standing next to Tony to try and see Harry. Harry slowly took his head out of Tony's neck to look at Gibbs and waved shyly. "Are you tired bud?" Gibbs asked after seeing the red, puffy eyes. Harry nodded his head a little and started sucking on his thumb, being extremely shy.

"Why don't we head back to your place boss and we can talk some more there where we are more comfortable." Tony said moving to put Harry in the carseat in the back of the charger. He took off the backpack and reached in to grab Harry's blanket so he had that comfort in this new, unfamiliar place. Tony put the backpacks on the ground by Harry's feet and then went to the passenger seat to sit by Gibbs. Clive sat in the back next to Harry and Gibbs got in the driver's side to head back to his home.

Gibbs put the radio on and started talking to Tony about small things like how the weather was in England and if they got to go sightseeing. Due to traffic the drive took over an hour and about ten minutes into the drive Tony checked the back to see Harry asleep again and Clive on the cell phone he was given and experimented with. He thinks he had found some runes to carve into the phone to have it run on magic rather than a battery. He is going to buy some cheap phones first and try those before the nice smartphone Tony gave him.

As they pulled into the modest two story house Gibbs parked in the driveway and unlocked the doors and opened the trunk. Tony and Clive got out as well and Tony wanted to get Harry out of the car as well.

"Harry, bug, it's time to wake up now. Do you wanna see the house you're gonna be living in for now?" Tony said, rubbing Harry's head. Slowly Harry's eyes fluttered open and he stretched the best he could still buckled into the car seat. For a minute he panicked not recognizing where he was but seeing his Daddy had him calming down. After Tony took him out of the car and set him on the ground to wake him up a bit more. He grabbed the backpacks, putting Harrys on him and swinging his own over his shoulder before taking Harry's hand and walking towards Clive and Gibbs at the trunk.

After the luggage was all brought inside Gibbs made some coffee for himself and Tony, tea for Clive and had some apple juice for Harry. They were all sitting around the kitchen table talking and getting to know each other.

"So Harry, how was the plane ride over here?" Gibbs said, turning toward Harry when he saw him shyly peeking at him. He gave Harry a soft smile to show it was okay to talk about.

"It was really fun and guess what Mr. Gibbs?" Harry said, slowly coming out of his shell.

"What bud?" Gibbs said.

"I got to meet the pilots and learn how to fly. I even got my own flying wings!! Do ya wanna see?" Harry said reaching into his pocked to get his kids wings pin he was given.

"Oh really, that is awesome Harry, let me see those." Gibbs said, holding out his hand flat on the table. Harry held out his hand to show the pin and Gibbs decided to just look and not try to take it when he saw how Harry held it like a prize.

"Do you know how to fly a plane Mr. Gibbs?" Harry asked while looking at the pin in his hand.

"I do not, unfortunately. Now little man, how would you like to see the house and where everything is?" Gibbs said getting up to put the dirty dishes in the sink for later. Harry hopped down from his chair and grabbed Tony's hand when Tony stood as well. They started the tour downstairs. As they passed the door to the basement Gibbs commented, "Now this door goes to the basement where my workshop is. There are a lot of tools down there not safe for little hands unless me or your daddy are with you. This gate is going to stay here so you remember you're not allowed down there alone"

"What do you make down there?" Harry asked, leaning a little towards Gibbs.

"Well, I make a few things but mostly I build boats down there." Gibbs said as they started walking up the stairs where there was another gate at the top to keep Harry from falling down them at night if he gets up.

"That's silly Mr. Gibbs" Harry said while giggling like it was the funniest thing he's heard in a while. The adults all smiled as well at hearing Harry laugh.

Gibbs showed Harry his bedroom (though he didn't often sleep in it) The bedroom Tony always took there, the bathroom, and Harry's new bedroom.

The first thing Harry noticed is the painted walls. They looked like a forest with some animals even painted in there. The roof was also painted like a night sky. Gibbs had clearly spent a lot of time painting this room. Harry looked around at the bed with green sheets and the desk, toy chest, bookshelves with some children's books already (likely from Kelly) and a beanbag chair in the corner by the bookshelf.

Harry quickly became overwhelmed and ran to Tony crying. Tony quickly picked him up. "What's wrong lightning?"

"It's for me? Too much Daddy" Harry said, crying because he's never had his own room before. Gibbs looked over and was worried he had gone too far with the room. He just wanted Harry to have his own safe place.

"It is all for you bug, do you like it?" Tony asked as Harry was calming down. He felt Harry nod against his chest. "Do you wanna go say thank you to Gibbs for doing all this for you?" When Harry once again nodded Tony put him on the ground.

Harry ran over to Gibbs as fast as his little legs could carry him and hugged Gibbs knees. Gibbs instinctively reached down to pick up Harry holding him against his chest. "Thank you Mr. Gibbs. I love it! You didn't hafta do all this"

"I wanted to little man. I'm glad you like it so much. This used to be my little girls room, you know." Jethro replied.

"I'll take the best care of it Mr. Gibbs!" Harry said, nodding his head as seriously as a four year old can.

"How about we go out to eat some lunch and then We can bring Clive to my apartment where he will be staying while here and you can see it as well?" Tony said. They all agreed and went to get ready, Gibbs still happily carrying Harry.

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