The Dursleys

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Tony, Gareth and Harry decided to stop for lunch before going to the local precinct. They stopped at a local Burger King for a quick lunch. Harry got some chicken nuggets, fries and a lemonade. Tony got a burger, fries, and a coke. Gareth got a burger, fries and a sprite. They chatted for a bit, Tony telling Harry more about America and what to expect on the plane ride they will take. Harry was really excited to travel for the first time in his life. He learned more about Gibbs, his Daddies boss who they would be living with. He was really excited and a little scared to meet him. His Daddy said that he was a really brave man who was a Marine and he's super good at his job catching the bad guys. His Daddy is also super good at catching the bad guys!

They caught a taxi to the local precinct where the lead detective on Harry's case is. Gareth has Harry glamoured to look like he was still injured and Tony was carrying him. Harry was looking around as they walked into the building. After walking up to the front desk they asked for the lead detective on the case. They walked to his office and were introduced to Detective Roberts.

"Good Afternoon, I'm Detective Mark Roberts. I see you're feeling better Harry" He said with a smile towards Harry. Harry shyly waved and hid his face in his Daddy's neck. Tony sat down with Harry on his lap and gave him a book to read and a toy.

"So I'm not sure how far you are in your investigation or if they are run differently than where I work but we got Harry to give us the full story. Do you want to get Harry's statement now because we plan to fly back to America in the next couple days." Tony said, running his hands through Harry's hair.

"We can get Harry's Statement with you two here. Let me get a recorder and then I can start" Roberts said as he got up and left the officer for a minute. When he came back he gently had Harry retell the story of how His uncle was really angry, hurt him, then drove far away and then he woke up in the hospital. He talked about how the bedroom at the Dursleys was the cupboard under the stairs and he did all the chores. He told them about learning to cook and how difficult it is when he can't reach the counter.

The interview and statement took over an hour and by the time it was done Harry was tired, cranky, and trying not to cry. Tony had him laid against his chest so he could sleep while he talked about the arrests. They filled out anything they needed to and waited for the Dursleys to be brought in as they were sending a couple officers to arrest them now.


As Tony, Harry, Gareth and Detective Roberts were in the precinct four uniformed officers drove to 4 Privet Drive Surrey to arrest the Dursley family. They also had Child Services on scene for the other child. As they parked out front they saw neighbors all peeking through their curtains or over their fences. They ignored this all and knocked on the front door. The door was opened by a skinny woman with a too long neck, fake smile, and expensive clothing.

"What can I do for you officers?" Petunia asked. She was nervous about what they were doing here. They could not have found the freak right?

"Are you Petunia Dursley?" When she nodded, they continued "Is Vernon Dursley home as well?"

"Well yes, Vernon Dear come to the door" She called into the kitchen area. They watched as a massively obese man waddled into the hallway to the door. He had dirty blond hair, a mustache, and a scowl.

"What do you want, we are normal hard working people and you have no right to come to our home." Vernon said, getting angrier as he walked. His face was turning an alarming state of red.

The officers went around Petunia and into the house. Two went towards Vernon while one went behind Petunia and placed handcuffs on her wrists. The fourth stayed in the door to prevent them from escaping. The two quickly went to Vernon and placed the handcuffs on him as well after having to dodge a couple of punches he threw at them.

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