Weasley Family Inheritance

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When William 'Bill' Weasley was called into the British branch of Gringotts he was confused and scared. He had only just finished his first training as a curse breaker but had excelled through the class becoming one of the top in his year. He was especially specialized in wards and detection for black magic. To find out that he was being called in for a child client with a horcrux upset him. The poor child was in so much pain and he knew it was important that it was out. He was there to ward the area around the soul so that it could not escape. They would then use the object they moved the soul shard into to detect the others. This was a massive honor for him to be able to not only witness but experience a ritual for this.

He was asked to stay in the British branch for the next week to speak with Chief Ragnok about some matters that came up when the parents of the child with the horcrux had started an investigation into his accounts. He had no idea what this had to do with him and was afraid to find out.

He walked into Ragnok's office and waited to be seated after bowing to the goblin. "Good morning Chief Ragnok, may your coffers ever flow." he said when he stood back from the bow.

"Good morning curse breaker Weasley, may your enemies fall at your feet. I have called you here for a couple of reasons but I would like to start first with an inheritance test." Ragnok said getting all the materials laid out on his desk. Bill followed the instructions and when the results came back he sat back in shock. It listed his parents and while his dad was there his mother was listed as Cassopeia Black. He also noticed that Ron and Ginny are listed as half siblings.

"I do not understand. I thought Molly was my mother? Also why do I have some blocks on my magic? I know there are no potions as we check for those yearly at Gringotts." Bill showed the results to Ragnok. "Maybe we should get Bonecrusher and the rest of my family in here to test?"

"I will send a note to Bonecrusher and an owl for your family to come in. We will wait here while your family gathers. I want Bonecrusher to come here and discuss some discrepancies in the vaults I have found as well." They sat back and talked about his job and what his goal was for the next few years. He wanted to be stationed in Egypt where the best tombs were and the most discoveries come from.

The rest of the family arrived twenty minutes later with the twins, Fred and George running to hug bill. They were only six years old so they missed Bill when he was working. He rarely went home because Molly would not stop insulting his job and passions. He pulled both of them into his lap and said hi to his other siblings. His Dad gave him a big hug and Molly greeted him simply while focusing on Ron and Ginny the youngest. Bonecrsuher was also with them as he had walked them to the office.

"Sit down everyone. We are going to be running inheritance tests on everyone in the family then I need to speak with Molly and Arthur." Ragnok said. He got out the required materials and had Arthur go first. After he took the test he set the sheet aside to read later and started helping Charlie and Percy. Bill was helping the twins while Molly was loudly complaining and protesting. Arthur then went and helped Ron and Ginny while trying to calm Ginny who was crying about her mother yelling. When all the tests were done the two goblins started reading all of them. Each of the children had some potions on them except the youngest two. Percy had a potion keyed to authority figures and rules. The twins had part of their twin bond blocked, Charlie had some of his magic blocked as well. The worst result by far was Arthur who was being dosed regularly with love potions and loyalty potions. Half of his paycheck was ending up in Molly's vault somehow keeping them poor.

It took another half an hour to get Molly to take the test. She was found to have no potions on her and interestingly less children than in the room.

"Okay we will start with a purge and ritual for all of you except the youngest as they were not affected by anything. After those are done we will review the results. Bonecrusher and StoneAxe are going to bring you all to the rooms. Molly Weasley you do not require one so you will stay in here with me and the youngest two." Ragnok said. Arthur looked confused and worried but the goblins knew he would deny everything while under the influence of potions. It took them an hour and a half to get all the rituals done. After Bill had his own done he went back to watch the others and try to learn about these rituals.

When they all returned to the room Arthur was extremely angry, confused, and overall hurt. He remembered now he never married Molly. He married his star Cassiopeia Weasley nee Black and had his first two children. It also makes sense now why Bill and Charlie are so much older than their siblings. With Ginny being 3, Ron 4, Fred and George 6, and Percy 8 while Bill is 18 and Charlie is 16, almost done with Hogwarts. It seems as though Molly had something to do with Cassie moving back to France. All the children except Bill and Charlie are Molly and Arthur's children.

The goblins had stuck Molly to the chair when they all came back in the room. She was also silenced because they got tired of her complaining and threatening them, which really is not a smart thing to do to a warrior nation. Bill had sat back down with the twins and Charlie had Percy in his lap. The poor boy was confused and tired so Charlie just rubbed his back and let him rest against him.

"Okay I am going to give everyone their results and we will talk about them. This all started when one of our other clients came in with his parents to check their account and get healed." Ragnok said. He handed out all the results giving the youngest kids (the twins) to Arthur to look at since they would not understand. Bill was playing with the twins to distract them. Arthur continued to get more upset when he read about the twin bond being partially blocked.

"I think we are going to need the aurors to come here for some questioning of Molly here. I have never seen these potions before and I could have sworn I was married to her." Arthur said.

"We will contact them but we think you should know about your accounting information as well. It seems as though Molly was being paid money from another client's vault and using it to buy the illegal potions and keeping the rest. She also has a portion of your paycheck go into her account keeping your family poor." Bonecrusher said. Handing the records to Arthur and pointing out everything he was talking about. Ragnok had sent an owl to Amelia Bones, the head of the DMLE. Molly was still stuck in her seat, silent as she continued to try and yell at them. That was the scene that Amelia and three other aurors including Kingsley Shaklebot, Mad-Eye- Moody, and John Dawlish.

"Good day Madam Bones, Aurors Shaklebot, Mood and Dawlish. My family was called into the bank today to discuss some inconsistencies in out vaults. When we entered we all took an inheritance test where a lot of shocking things as well as many crimes were seen. I have copies of each of the tests but it seems Molly over there has been using love potions on me, not sure why but the youngest 5 of my children are also hers while my oldest are from my actual wife Cassiopeia Weasley nee Black. She also placed some blocks on the kids' magic and the twins' bond. Additionally she has been getting paid money into a separate vault from someone else illegally and taking part of my paycheck to keep my family poor." Arthur said when he turned to see them. He handed the copies of the tests over to Amelia. She grabbed them and divided them for her aurors to read. She was disgusted by what she saw. Moody's magic eye was focused on Molly while the other was reading. Kingsley and Dawlish wore disgusted looks as well.

"Molly Prewett you are under arrest for theft, illegal use of potions, attempted line theft and other charges as we determine them." Madam Bones said as she went to put the magic suppressing cuffs on her. "Arthur, get your requirements here settled then I will meet you at the Burrow to integrate you. The trail should be in the next couple of weeks"

"Thank you Amelia. I will get everything settled here and then send an owl when we are back home" Arthur said as they walked out the door. They took another two hours fixing the finances and determining what to do about the thefts. By the time they got homme the little ones were hungry and the older kids were tired. Only Bill and Charlie really understood everything going on although Percy may understand some, he was always very intelligent.

After the kids were all in bed and Amelia had interrogated him and left, Arthur laid in bed stressed and worried about the trial and how to get his wife back. He decided to make a plan in the morning when he could think straight.

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