Finding and Destroying the Horcruxes

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After the DiNozzo family left Gringotts the curse breakers were quick to assemble. Healer Mordak and the team were quick to make sure the soul shard was completely contained in its new container. They knew they would need a break and then they would have to use a ritual to find the rest of the horcruxes. William "Bill" Weasley secured the shard in a solid lead box that he would bring to his boss. His boss being goblin SharpTooth would secure the stone with the horcrux and find out how big it is. Knowing the size will help them know how many more there are out there.

"Alright, the team is going to rest for a week then we will be doing a few rituals to find how many and where the others are. From then until we find the last one this teams only assignment will be to find and destroy the soul containers. Does everyone understand that?" SharpTooth said. He got the responding confirmations and grunts.

A week later in the depths of Gringotts four Goblins and three humans that consisted of the curse breaking team were setting up a ritual. William Weasley was in charge of ensuring the circle was complete. His partner Goldblade was in charge of creating the Runes used. They would need Runes for safety, location, protection, soul, and more. SharpTooth was there to complete the translation for everyone to understand perfectly. He would be leading the ritual to locate the souls. In the room next door two Goblins, RiseAxe and GrindStone and two humans Toni Kennedy and Rose Bennett. They were in the process of using a ritual to determine how many soul pieces there are. They found 6 fragments and the 7th being the main soul. The goblins were furious about this but wrote down the information.

They brought the information to the big ritual room. The whole team came together and put a parchment into the center for the locations to be recorded. They all got in place around the circle connecting it. They being the chanting for the ritual and after 20 minutes the paper glowed and writing began to appear. After another 5 minutes the writing stopped so they slowly stopped the ritual.

Bill picked up the parchment while everyone else went to grab a snack and some water. He was that luckily all of them are in England. When he was glancing down he saw that one was listed in Gringotts. He paled thinking of the implications of that. He was that the ritual with the help of magic herself, listed what the items are. There is Hufflepuff's Cup in the bank, The Peverell Ring in Little Hangleton, Ravenclaw's Diadem in Hogwarts, Slytherin's Locket in London at a black house, and a Diary in the Malfoys house.

They began with the Cup that was in the bank. After going to the King with all the details they were able to determine Bellatrix Lestrange had stored the Cup in her vault. RiseAxe and Toni went down to the vault where they retrieved the cup. They placed it in the same lead box as the stone from Harry's head. It was determined best to destroy them all at once so the spirit of Tom Riddle would not feel them individually and do something drastic.

Over the next week they met to discuss strategies to get the remaining Horcruxes. They were going in teams of two to collect them. This upcoming week Rose and GrindStone were going to The Gaunt Shack in Little Hangleton. They spent the week planning as the rumors about the Gaunt family were creepy. They were so incestuous that they barely had magic and relied on their parseltongue. They took precautions and hired a parselmouth from India to accompany them who specializes in wards and dark curses. He was needed incase there are any wards they could not detect with their training.

The trip itself was eventful and they were very thankful to have the ward and curse master from India. After dismantling layers of wards they found the ring fairly easily. When they pulled up the the floorboard Rose and GrindStone began fighting over the ring. The Indian curse master had to put up a barrier around the ring and levitate it into the lead box. He later explained the strong compulsion on the ring along with a withering curse.

After a week break the two were ready for their next mission. While they were resting Bill and SharpTooth went to Hogwarts. They found that the week in the middle of June the headmaster was gone and they could go and search. After an hour of searching Bill decided to ask a house elf. They called for Mipsy one of the Gryffindor elves. She showed them to the come-and-go room as they call it. Bill walked by three times thinking 'I need Ravenclaw's Diadem' until a door appeared. They went in an found a room full of old lost items. At some point they would have to go through everything in that room. Another 20 minutes of searching lead to the Diadem on top of a statue. They levitated it down into the lead box containing the others.

After returning from Hogwarts they made sure to tell their King about the room of lost treasures. SharpTooth went with Ragnock to the Black house in London because as Harry's account manager and King he had access to the Black properties. After encountering and fighting with an awful House elf named Kreature and a screaming portrait they found the locket. Quickly putting it in the lead box and leaving the house they locked the wards down until they could come in and clean out the house.

After the group got together again they had to figure out how to get the last one from Malfoy. GrindStone quickly came to the decision along with the Malfoy manager to send a summons saying they had business with Lord Lucius Malfoy. When he arrived at the bank they made it clear they knew he had an artifact that belonged to the dark lord and if they did not get that object they would sanction heavy fines on the vaults the family owned. Lucius was quick to get the diary knowing that he needed the money to bribe the minister and stay out of jail. Azkaban was not a place that he would ever go.

With the completion of the Horcrux retrieval the group set up the chamber for the final destruction. Bill Weasley would be using a ritual to put all the soul pieces into the stone then use Fiendfyre on the stone. They did not want to destroy the founders' objects at all. When all the pieces were in the stone bill case fiendfyre and they all watched as a screaming black cloud erupted from the stone. As the soul died it screamed and tried to escape only to be stopped by the wards put up by the team.

With everything said and done the group split up to go back to their original postings. Bill was staying in England to figure out what was going on with his family and help with small jobs for now. He cannot wait to get back to Egypt and his tombs and away from the stress and drama of England.

About a week later Tony got a letter in the mail from Gringotts London. It was very to the point letting him know that they had destroyed all the soul pieces and received an official death certificate for one Tom Marvolo Riddle. They sent a copy of the death certificate. To Tony it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. That night they celebrated the death of the Dark Lord Voldemort and the future of Harry's life not being bothered by him. Gibbs, Tony and Clive started making plans for when Dumbledore came around and setting up a lawyer to look into Sirius Blacks life.

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