Magic is Real

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Tony stares at his Uncle for a few minutes not sure what to do. He decides to ask if this is a conversation they should have in private or if they should have it with the local officers.

"This is a private and sensitive matter Tony" Clive says. "Let's go back to your hotel for the night and have a conversation. We can come back in the morning and I can meet Harry properly."

The drive to the hotel seemed to take both forever and pass by in the blink of an eye. He let Clive drive since he knew the area the best and Tony was too lost in thought to pay attention fully. They parked and got into the hotel room. Tony went to the kitchen area to make some tea for everyone and grabbed something to drink that was a little stronger as well. The hotel mini bar was well stocked it seemed. He walked back to the couch to find Clive and Gareth sitting there.

"So this is going to sound crazy but I need you to just listen to me and not interrupt." Clive started. He waited for Tony to nod. "Everyone in our world knows who Harry is. You know how your mother was disowned by the family by my parents? It is all part of a world you may not believe. See the Paddington's and many others have magic, we live in a wizarding society where we have our own laws, government, schools, everything you need. Our family is from a long line of what is known as purebloods. There are different blood statuses based on who your parents are. There are pureblood, those with both parents and grandparents who have magic, muggleborns who have both parents with no magic, and half-bloods who have one pureblood parent and one either muggle or muggle born parent. Harry is a half-blood because you are most likely a muggle and Lily, Harry's mother, was a muggleborn."

"You said Lily was the girl? Red hair, green eyes, extremely smart?" Tony asks leaning forward.

"Yes Lily Evans or Lily Potter as we thought. Lily and James Potter were married when they passed away and we thought Harry was his son so we will need to go to Gringotts, our bank, to get a test done there as well. A long time before Harry was born our world has been in a civil war of sorts. The Dark Lord Voldemort was trying to 'keep the world pure' and kill muggles and muggleborns. The Light Lord Dumbledore was trying to protect them. There is a lot more to the war and our family remained neutral for the most part. Lily and James had to go into hiding shortly after Harry was born, I do not know why by Voldemort targeted the Potters. On Halloween night 1981 the Potters were betrayed and Voldemort killed them. He tried to kill Harry and nobody knows how he survived but in doing so he vanquished Voldemort and became The-Boy-Who-Lived. After that night nobody knew where Harry went. I always assumed it was with Lily's muggle family but I do not know their names."

"So you're trying to tell me that magic is real, you are magical, my son is magical and a terrorist tried to kill him?" Tony was all but yelling. He couldn't believe it "I am gonna need some proof."

Clive took out his wand and decided to levitate the pillow next to Tony as proof. He could tell it scared Tony but he needed the proof to believe in magic. "There is still a lot you need to know and learn and I can help you with some of that. I will stay with you until Harry gets out of the hospital then we can go to Gringotts together and figure this all out. I know there is a lot that is confusing and this will be very hard to understand but it's also in your blood Tony. if your mom lived longer she would have told you some of this."

The next week was a lot of waiting for Harry to heal more, playing games, watching movies, and reading. Tony read a lot of different books about the wizarding world. He wanted to know everything he needed to keep his son safe. He wasn't sure how to discuss it with Harry and decided to let Uncle Clive help. They started by reading some children's books from the wizard world to get him more open to the idea of magic.

"Magic is not real. Uncle Vernon said so" Harry protested after the first story. His new Daddy was being silly. Magic couldn't be real, he was just a freak.

"Ah but magic is real Harry. Have you ever done anything without meaning to? Magic is all around us and your Mummy and Daddy were magic as well." Clive explained gently.

"Magic isn't real, I'm just a freak. I make freaky things happen and I need to be punished for it." Harry explained.

"Magic is real Harry. You are not a freak. You have magic and when little kids like you have really big emotions, sometimes their magic makes things happen. Has that ever happened"

"One time after Dudley threw away my blankey, I found it again in my cupboard. Harry whispered. He couldn't believe it. He was always told he was a freak. Could it be true that he was not a freak? Surely not.

"See that was your magic bringing your blankey back to you. There is nothing to be afraid of Harry."

After that the rest of the week was spent reading about magic, Clive telling stories and convincing Harry he was not a freak. They knew this would be a long battle. Clive found a couple books about Harry Potter's Adventures which he would need to look into but thought Harry might like them. He explained all about how they were not real stories just some for fun and that he was kind of popular in the wizarding world. He did not know how to or if he should explain why so he did not. Harry did not ask either so that was made easy. Tony calls Gibbs everyday to keep him updated with what they can. Gibbs even got to say hi to Harry even if Harry was too shy to say anything back.

After Harry had healed enough and with strict instructions from the doctors Tony was allowed to take Harry back to the hotel. They decided to relax for the night and go to Gringotts in the morning. The local officers think they may have enough information to know who Harry lived with buy since he could not remember their last names they want to make sure. The answers they are all waiting for will come tomorrow, for better or worse. 

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