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 Ducky was examining the young boy hiding behind the Senior Field Agent and noticed how scared the little boy looked. He noticed Gibbs from the corner of his eye go into the kitchen to get some drinks. He came back to the living room with some scotch for him, Clive, and Ducky, a beer for Tony and an apple juice for Harry.

"Hey little man, you wanna say hi to Ducky. He's really nice and he wont hurt you" Gibbs whispered crouching in front of Harry to give him the sippy cup of juice. He picked Harry up and sat him on Tony's lap, sitting next to them on the couch. He motioned Ducky to sit in the chair he was standing near. Harry had half his face hidden in Tony's chest and the other half was peeking at Ducky.

"Ducky, this is my son Harrison, we call him Harry, and he is going to be living with me from now on." Tony said. "He is four years old and he is like you, me, my Uncle Clive and apparently thousands of others."

"Well, hello young Harrison, how are you?" Ducky said. "As you heard your Daddy say, my name is Donald Mallard but everyone calls me Ducky. I work with your Daddy and Jethro here."

"Ello" Harry has all but whispered. He waved from his spot on Tony before turning to face his chest again.

"We are a little shy with new people Duck, Harry here is also still tired a little bit from his jetlag." Gibbs said, rubbing Harry's back.

"That's alright Jethro, Young Harrison can take a nap if he needs to or just relax. Now Anthony you said that he was like me and you. Am I to assume that your status has changed because I checked everyone we work with to be safe and you did not have magic."

"Ah yes, it seems my mother thought it was safer to block my magic than to let me grow with it. While he is here my Uncle Lord Clive Paddington is going to be helping teach me and Harry to control our magic and when he must return to England I was hoping you can help. I would also like to see about schools or programs for Harry." Tony said. He pulled out his wand as if to prove it.

"Well my boy I would be honored to help train you and look after Harrison here. I can also get you in contact with the American Ministry and get you some guides for schools and registered. I will reach out to my friends soon." Ducky said.

"We would also like to have you help ward the house here because we will be staying here at least for a little while." Tony said. He noticed Harry had indeed fallen asleep against his chest. Ducky quickly agreed and went to help Clive with the wards after deciding what they wanted to ward against. They finished a while later and went back into the living room to chat.

They talked for a while before deciding that Gibbs would take Harry and they would give Tony his first lessons. Harry was now wide awake and happily playing with the toy dragon Clive had handed him. He was sitting in Gibbs lap playing with him while happily telling him about his new dragon, Drago, and how his Daddy had told him it means Dragon in Italian. Gibbs was more than happy to sit there and listen to Harry.

Ducky and Clive started with a few simple spells. They decided that some common household charms may be best to start with. They started with a simple Lumos to teach Tony how to feel the magic in him. It took quite a while with many failed attempts before Tony could get the spell to work.

They went from there and taught him a couple spells that are useful everywhere like Reparo so he could easily break anything that he might need to, a very handy spell when children are around. They also taught him, Alohomora, to unlock locked doors.

They sat together and created a schedule for the upcoming month until Clive would go back to England. In two week Tony would start going back to work as he had to start again, he was running out of the time he applied for in his paperwork.

They would go tomorrow to the closest shopping district to find a couple more books that could not be found in England as the magic was banned for one reason or another there. They looked through the books Tony already had and added to the list the books he would need including the introduction books to magic and different subjects.

They would also need to shop for food, a training potty, and a few other things. They decided to do that after dinner. They invited Ducky to stay for dinner as well. Harry was finally coming out of his shell with Ducky and telling him all about how his Daddy worked to catch the bad guys. He used a lot of the same childish stories that Tony used as bedtime stories or when explaining his job to Harry.

They had some pasta for dinner that Tony cooked from what he found. They decided to take Harry's shirt off for eating to try and minimize the mess of a toddler eating sauce. They enjoyed the meal and talked about what they Tony and Harry were excited about learning. Tony wanted to learn things that will help him at work and Harry wanted to learn how to do everything. After they finished eating Gibbs cleaned up Harry while Ducky, Clive, and Tony cleaned the table and put away the leftovers.

Tony, Gibbs and Harry were going to go to the shops while Clive and Ducky would talk about their education plan and then head to their own places for the night (or Tony's apartment in Clive's case).

Gibbs got Harry into the car seat while Tony made a quick list of everything they need. The trip to the store was fairly short because they did not need a lot. Harry was allowed to pick his own potty seat, after a debate about dinosaurs, the avengers, or Winnie the Pooh. In the end he decided the dinosaurs because they are like dragons.

When they got home they got Harry ready for bed with a quick bath and a story. Tony and Gibbs went back to the basement to talk for a little while.

"Is Harry not potty trained yet?" Gibbs asked, taking a sip of his bourbon.

"No the Dursley's never bothered to teach him. He was taught he cannot ask questions or ask for things he wants so I need to teach him to ask for the bathroom or tell me when he needs to go, until then I will keep him in pull-ups." Tony explained.

"Do you want me to help him as well? I haven't had to potty train anyone since Kelly but if you need help or advice let me know." Gibbs said

"I would really appreciate that. I am not sure the best method to try yet but I figure just getting him to tell me when he needs the bathroom is a good start." Tony said. They talked about work and when they should invite Vance over to introduce Harry and explain about everything. From there they headed to bed for the night.

Around 01:00 Tony was woken by Harry attempting to climb into his bed. He noticed the shaking immediately and wrapped his body around Harry, shushing him and talking to him until he calmed down and fell back asleep. 

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