Diagon Alley

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Blinking at the bright light after stepping out of the bank the men walked towards the shops. Clive suggested Tony get a multi-compartment trunk before anything else to make carrying all his purchases easier. They went to the trunk shop (maybe find a name for this later) where tony found a five compartment trunk including, a library section, a closet, an ingredient storage, a dueling room so he can learn and practice, and an enlarged compartment for everything else they need to hold. The trunk includes runes to shrink it with touch, lock it to only registered signatures, and ward against things like flooding, fire, theft, etc. He also purchased a backpack with a undetectable extension charm and featherweight charm to keep it weighing like nothing.

They got decided not to get a trunk for Harry yet as his stuff can be stored with Tony's for now. They went next to Flourish and Blotts for books. Clive went to get books he knew Tony would need and Tony and Harry went to pick some books for Harry. They found children's books and decided to get a couple like The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Beginners guide to magic, some picture books and they even found the Harry Potter Adventure books Clive got him. Tony then went to find some books he would need. He found some about a muggleborn's guide to the wizarding world, he added some of what looked like school textbooks, he also found some about the Sacred 28 and the Wizarding government, laws, and more. They met up with Clive where he showed Tony he had a basket full of every book he thought they might need. They ended up spending hundred of Galleons on books alone. They shrunk all the bags and put them in their pockets to unpack later.

They next went to Slug and Jigger's Apothecary and picked up a starter kit, scales, knives, cauldrons, and everything else Tony will need to learn. Harry did not like the smell of this shop but he did like looking at the different yucky stuff. After that they took a quick stop in Scribbulus Writing Implements to pick up some parchment, quills, and ink. Tony also found never ending journals and picked up about 15 in different colors so each subject he had to learn had one to keep all his notes together, a few extra for work, and a couple for Harry in case he wanted some.

They decided to stop for lunch at the Leaky Cauldron because everyone was getting tired and hungry. Tony decided to try the shepherds pie, Harry got some fish and chips and Clive got shepherds pie as well. They talked about everything they had learned that day and what they were most excited about. Tony is excited to learn magic and help Harry while Harry is just excited to have a Daddy and see the alley. It was decided that Clive, if he can, will go with the two to Washington DC. He will help Tony learn as much as he can and find a local tutor to help as well. He knows some people in the area who can help.

The next shop would be Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions where they decided to get a couple robes each as they would rarely wear them but in case they needed them for anything official. As they walked in they were greeted with a pump woman with a cheerful welcome.

"Harry and I need a couple robes in case we have to go in front of the Ministry, we live in the muggle world for now but may need them." Tony explained and Harry looked around. Madam Malkin ushered them to two raised platforms where a tape measure came and started flying around taking measurements. Harry looked a little scared but when he saw his Daddy smile at him he decided to be brave.

After getting the measurements Tony decided to get navy blue and maroon robes for them and one black with the Paddington crest for him and the Potter crest for Harry on Harry's black one. She told them they would be ready in half an hour so they decided to go to the final stop of the day, Ollivander's.

As they walked into the shop it was eerily quiet and dirty in the shop. Tony held Harry's hand and pulled him closer and Ollivander walked out from behind the shelves, scaring Harry.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, what can I do for you?" Ollivander asked.

"I just had my magic unlocked for the first time in 29 years and need a wand," Tony explained. He found it weird and concerning that Ollivander's eyes just seemed to look right through him.

"Ah that's most unfortunate. No matter, which is your wand arm?" He asked, turning towards the shelves. Tony held out his left hand where a tape measure started to fly around him. Ollivander came back with a few boxes. "Just take it and give it a wave" He said taking the first box.

After about eight wands with things being broken around the shop the ninth wand finally sent up a shower of sparks in green and gold. It was a Aspen wood with phoenix feather. the wand was a white almost ivory color from the aspen wood, 12 inches long and relatively flexible.

"Aspen wood is good for owners that are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries. The phoenix feather on the other hand show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. This is the rarest core and one of the most powerful. You are going to do great things and be very protective, intuitive, and strong" Ollivander explained as he put away the other boxes.

Tony grabbed a wrist wand holster as well and payed the ten Galleons required. He quickly strapped it in and piked Harry up when he noticed him getting tired in the chair he had sat in. Tony met Clive outside from where he went to a small toy store in the alley. He had bought a surprise for Harry that he would give him tonight. They went to pick up their clothes from Madam Malkin's and then head home.

By the time they made it back to the hotel Harry was out cold on Tony's shoulder. He changed his pullup again then laid him in bed to rest before dinner. Tony and Clive went through all their purchases and started organizing his trunk. Tony decided to create a book list so he knew what books he had and which would be best to start with. He organized the books by subject and topic while making the list and putting them in his trunk. With Clive's help and magic they were able to do this all within two hours at which point Harry had joined them looking at one of his books and watching the books floating around.

After ordering some pizza for dinner Tony relaxed with Harry watching a Disney movie before he put Harry to bed. The decided to watch Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. Harry had his focus solely on the move while he held his blankey in the other hand. Tony was cuddling with Harry while reading his Introduction to the Wizarding World for Muggleborn book. By the end of the movie Tony picked Harry up to bring him to the bathroom one last time before going to sleep. Clive had gone home and would meet them tomorrow in The Leaky Cauldron for their Gringotts appointment. After using the bathroom, brushing his teeth, and face Harry was being tucked into bed where Harry decided to read him one of the kids books.

After tucking Harry in, Tony decided to call Gibbs and update him.

"Gibbs" was the brisk answer.

"Hey Boss, are you busy?" Tony asked, sitting on the couch with his book again.

"Yeah, I'm still on cold cases this week. How are things there?" Gibbs asked getting up from his desk for some privacy.

"It's been busy and frustrating. When I get home I have some big news to share with you and some big decisions to make. My first priority right now is Harry though so I am going to need your help if that is okay?"

"Wouldn't have offered it if I didn't want DiNozzo. Anything you need to tell me now?"

"My Uncle Clive might come with me to DC for a little bit and help with something I am having problems with currently but he can stay in my apartment while Harry and I stay with you." Tony said, giving Gibbs warning about possibly added guests.

"That's fine Tony, do what you need to do and I will support you anyway I can. When are you coming back to work?" Gibbs wanted to know, he was hoping soon because Tim and Ziva don't have the same investigative skills as Tony and it is making cases take almost twice as long.

"I will probably be out at least another week if not two" Tony said thinking about setting Harry in America and handing his magic. "It's getting late here so I just wanted to let you know that I should be flying back in about two or three days now. Just a couple more people to see first."

"Alright Tony, be safe. I'll see you in a few days. I got a car seat for Harry so I will pick you up." Gibbs said. He had completely redone the house with child safety locks, a gate at the basement door, and made over Kelly's old room for Harry. It took longer than he though letting go but he knew it was the right choice.

"Yeah boos, thank you. Good night" Tony said before Gibbs hung up. He got ready for bed himself making a list of everything he would need to talk to the Goblins about tomorrow.

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