The New School

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**Sorry for the delay in posting. It is finals week and I have COVID currently**

When Harry woke up the first day of his new school he was scared. This would be the first time he was away from his Daddy for school this long. He laid in bed for a little while until he had to go potty. He got up and went into the hallway. He walked towards the bathroom when he saw that the door was closed. He could hear the water running. He went to his Daddy's room to see if he was in the bathroom but when he saw him sleeping in bed he decided to wake him up and ask. He climbed into bed and shook his Daddy's shoulder. He saw his eyes slowly start to open and so he got closer to his Daddy.

"Oh, good morning bug. What are you doing here?" Tony said backing up a little from the face inches away from his own.

"I have to go potty but I heard the shower and came to see it was not you." Harry said. He watched his Daddy sit up and crawled into his lap. Tony held him for a minute before getting up. He walked to the bathroom where he knocked on the door.

"Yeah" Gibbs called out from the bathroom.

"Hey, do you mind if we come in for a couple minutes? Harry has to go potty" Tony said, holding the squirming Harry in his arms. When Gibbs called out that they could, Tony opened the door and peeked in to make sure the curtain was closed around the shower before entering. He quickly went about having Harry go potty and wash his hands. He heard the shower shut off as they were walking back out of the bathroom. He brought Harry back to his room to get him dressed for his first day at his new school.

They decided that Harry would go to the nearby elementary school Stellae Academy which is a mixed magic and no-maj school. He would start with simple classes and eventually be learning the basics and essentials before he transfers to his future schooling at 11 years old. He will start with kindergarten where he will learn the basics of reading, writing, spelling, etc and slowly gain knowledge of languages starting in second grade.

When Harry was dressed in jeans and his new NCIS t-shirt with a jacket over it he went downstairs with his Daddy to have breakfast. He sat at the table with his honey nut cheerios while his Daddy went upstairs to shower and change after Gibbs came down.

"Hey little man. Are you excited for school?" Jethro said.

"I am scared to go. What if everyone thinks I'm a freak here too?" Harry asked. He was really worried he wouldn't make any friends here like back with the Dursleys.

"Harry, you are not a freak. You are a strong loving little man who is going to make a bunch of friends. I know you're going to be fine and I want you to try as hard as you can at school but also make lots of friends. When you get a bit older your Daddy and I are going to be teaching you and your friends if they want some more to help you protect yourself." Gibbs said. He put down his coffee and turned towards the kid. He was worried about his self-confidence but they knew this would take a while.

"Are you gonna come with Daddy and me to the school?" Harry asked while finishing the last of his breakfast.

"Yeah bud we are gonna go together. I want to talk to your Daddy and the principle of the school this morning to make sure they know that you have only certain people who can pick you up. Now you remember the name your have now?" Gibbs said as Tony came back into the kitchen to get coffee.

"My name is Harrison DiNozzo now just like my Daddy." Harry said happily. He got up to clean where he ate. He came back and climbed into Gibbs lap to continue to talk to him. Gibbs grabbed him around the waste to help hold him while Tony sat at the table to eat. They talked for a while about what they would be doing that day at work and reminding Harry that Tony would pick him up today unless they caught a case then Breena would pick him up.

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