New Teammates and First Day

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**Sorry this took so long I have been busy. Let me know what you think and message me if you want more cases or what you want to see*** 

Gibbs looked over at Tony on the drive back to the Navy Yard from the school. He could see Tony trying not to cry, reminding him of the first time he dropped off Kelly at preschool. He reached out and put a hard on Tony's shoulder in a show of silent support. He saw Tony shoot him a grateful look out of the corner of his eye. They rode in silence until they pulled into the parking lot.

"Does it get easier?" Tony asked quietly.

"It does, especially when you see them having fun and making friends." Gibbs said, squeezing his shoulder one last time before they got out and grabbed their backpacks. They walked through security Tony nodding to the guards stationed there. They made their way up to the bullpen and saw McGee was already sitting at his desk. They saw the desk for the new probie set up with a new computer after they took Ziva's for the investigation.

"Morning Boss, Morning DiNozzo" McGee said. They had worked out some of the issues that started with the addition of Ziva to the team. Things would never go back to how they were but they were working towards building the trust back up. They were getting a new probie from the NSA Ellie Bishop today. They were all sitting around when they saw her come in. The team had spent the morning in the conference room getting to know each other and training Bishop on the paperwork and how things work around here.

Around lunch time Tony and Gibbs were eating the leftover steak from last night when Gibbs' phone rang. They all started cleaning up their areas and grabbing their bags.

"Gear up, we got a body in Rock Creek Park. Navy Sergeant was found there" They all grabbed their bags as Gibbs tossed McGee the keys to gas up the truck. Tony and Gibbs took the charger which McGee and Bishop took the truck. When they got there Gibbs talked over to the local LEO's while Tony took out his sketch book to start the stretches. "McGee, bag and tag. DiNozzo shoot and sketch. Bishop witness interviews." Gibbs said when they all got there.

While Gibbs and Bishop were getting witness statements Ducky and Palmer arrived to start with the body. Eventually Gibbs and Bishop came back over walking past the cars. Gibbs and Tony went towards Ducky to find out time and cause of death. Bishop went up to McGee.

"Agent McGee, does Gibbs have a kid?" She asked.

"He does not have a kid right now I do not think. Why do you ask?" McGee said carefully, after the team learned about Kelly they stayed away from the topic of children.

"It's just that there's a car seat in the back of his charger" Bishop said, gesturing towards the car. McGee turned to look and saw it there as well. He did not know where it has come from.

"That did not used to be there. Maybe he was babysitting for somebody." McGee said getting back to gathering evidence.

"Does Tony have a child? They drove in together. The camo car seat made me think of Gibbs but maybe it's just the one that is in his car and there is a different one in Tony's car." Bishop said as she helped McGee with the evidence and carried it back to the van. She continued to think about it but did not feel comfortable asking them on her first day knowing the reputation those two have. They finished up at the scene and got back to the office. McGee and Bishop went to deliver the evidence to Abby so that they could be introduced and she can learn the chain of evidence.

Tony sat at his desk looking through the background on the victim Gunnery Sergeant Owen Maldonado, 33 year old husband, father to two little girls, wife's name is Charlotte Maldonado. Just back from a year long deployment to iraq. Tony made sure to say all that when He was going over the case with the team. McGee was looking through the banking information while Bishop looked up the wife. Tony got in touch with the Sergeants CO and determined that they were currently in DC. The CO Lieutenant Colonel Johnson agreed to come to the Navy Yard for an interview.

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