Telling Gibbs

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AN ** Please give me suggestions for school names**

After stopping for lunch and getting to know each other a bit better for Harry, Gibbs and Clive they arrived at Tony's apartment. Clive decided to drive Tony's second car he keeps in storage because he only had one spot reserved. It is an Audi RS4 in a burgundy color. He got it during his frat party days so he had a reliable car to drive around in while restoring his classic 1990 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1. He will probably end up having to drive the Audi himself as it is safer for driving with Harry.

After arriving at the apartment complex Tony grabbed Harry to carry him inside. Gibbs grabbed Clive's suitcase to help him bring it up. When they got up to the door for Tony's apartment Tony noticed the door was cracked, which he known he locked before leaving. He motioned to Gibbs to check it out and dropped back with Harry and Clive just in case. He decided to face Harry away from the door to make sure he couldn't see anything going on inside and to try and hide him from the gun Gibbs took out for now. He would need a new gun safe and to teach Harry about gun safety soon.

As Gibbs approached the door he raised his gun and swung the door open. He quickly looked around and cleared the door. He noticed that there was a note on the table and some of the DVD's were on the ground. He moved towards the kitchen area and then the bedroom and bathroom. Once he was sure everything was clear he went and checked the note. He noticed it was from Ziva and saying how she broke in when Tony would not answer his phone and then left the team without telling anyone. Gibbs knew that Ziva must have picked the lock and came looking for DiNozzo.

"Well good news and bad news, nobody is in there but Ziva broke in while you were gone and left a note." Gibbs said after he walked back into the hallway handing the note to Tony and taking Harry so Tony could read it and see for himself. Tony walked into the apartment first to look if anything was missing. He picked up the movies checking to make sure they were not broken and then put them back. Gibbs went to the living room and sat on the couch with Harry. He got out a book and some coloring supplies and put them on the coffee table in the living room. When Tony came back with his Uncle Clive they all sat around the living room to talk. Tony and Clive decided this would be a good time to tell Gibbs about magic and to ward the apartment so that Ziva and others cannot break in again. It is not safe for Harry to be there while people can break in.

"Okay so we have something to talk to you about boss that is going to sound crazy but just hear me out and we can prove it." Tony said to start. Trying to think about how to stick to rule 3: never believe what you're told, always verify.

"Okay so if you try to look up Harry's mom you'll find her records after age 11 disappear. That is common for the community we live in. I just learned that I am part of this community and have a lot to learn which is why Uncle Clive came with me to help teach me and Harry but also help you understand and how we would need to adjust for work. My mom took this part of my identity from me to keep me safe from my father. I do not know how she did it yet but I will find out." Tony said, rambling because he is nervous for Gibbs reaction.

"DiNozzo, you're rambling, spit it out already" Gibbs said, giving Tony a slap on the back of the head behind Harry so he didn't see.

"Right, um so Harry, Uncle Clive, me and thousands of other people that live hidden from us have magic. They have their own economy, governance, schools and everything." Tony said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Tony, I know. Why do you think some of my missions as a marine were Black Ops? I was briefed in the military and when I started NIS in case there were any cases involving magic that we needed to hand over to the Magical Congress of the United States of America." Gibbs said, putting his hand on Tony's shoulder for reassurance.

"Oh well this makes it a lot easier for us. So soon I am going to explain both the situation with me but also with you about some people across the pond we will need to take care of. We are also going to add wards here and to your home to keep Harry and me safer. Especially after Ziva finds out that I am back." Tony said.

"Of course Tony whatever we need. We need to get everyone settled down and into a routine soon. Also, just so you know Ducky is a wizard, so if we need more help he can always help. After we get settled we can call him or we can have him meet us at home and help with your education and the warding." Gibbs said. He noticed Harry fidgeting a bit and subtly pointed it out to Tony, he would need to ask about that later. Tony noticed and quickly took Harry to the bathroom, he would really need to start potty training soon and have Harry ask or tell him when he needed to go.

"Okay I am going to ward this apartment against fire, flood, damage, intruders, and anyone with a harmful intent cannot enter. When you learn more we can add to the ward stone and runes used. Then we can go back to Jethro's house and have Ducky meet us there and ward it with him." Clive said as he started drawing out the runes he needed. He went to the door to carve the runes into the door frame.

Tony went and collected more from his apartment to bring back to Gibbs house while Gibbs decided to read a story to Harry. Tony started moving things towards the door to pack including his nice suits, shoes, and bathroom essentials. He would need to shop more for Harry here after checking the house to see what his boss already bought.

"I think that introducing the team slowly is the best idea boss. I am not sure I want Ziva around Harry yet either, at least definitely not alone." Tony said after he sat next to Gibbs on the couch listening to his boss read to his son. He couldn't help but smile at the two of them cuddled together, Gibbs reading and Harry following along with the pictures pointing to each one.

"We will start with Ducky, then I think Vance should know because he is our director and you need to change your paperwork to reflect it. Maybe Palmer after that, he's pretty calm and you guys are friends" Gibbs said.

"I want to introduce him to Balboa as well because he might end up having to watch him or help him if we get called out quickly and he's at the office with us. I think Abby after that but you need to talk to her about being gentle with him boss. I love Abby but she cannot move too fast, around him or touch him a lot until he is comfortable with it." Tony said, running his hand through Harry's hair. "I think I want to wait before introducing him to McGee and David if we are able to. For the time belong while Uncle Clive is here Harry is going to stay with him during the day and when he leaves we will figure out what options we have."

"I finished warding the flat Anthony, we are able to go to Gibbs house. I will follow you in your car and then when we get there you can tell me which car you would like to drive and which I should drive while I am here." Clive said, after coming back into the living room.

"I am going to drive the Audi more permanently now because it has more space for Harry so you can drive the Corvette." Tony decided. He loved his cars but knew the Audi was safer. They brought everything down to the cars and Gibbs drove Tony and Harry back to his house while Clive followed. Gibbs called Ducky on the way to his house and asked for him to come over because he needed some help.

They made good time back to the house and decided to watch a movie while waiting for Ducky. They got about ¾ a way through the movie before there was a knock at the door. As Gibbs went to answer it he brought Ducky into the living room with him.

"Oh Anthony, welcome back home. I hope your trip was well. Who is this?" Ducky said. He felt as though he recognized the older gentleman. It was then he caught sight of a tiny head of black hair behind Tony.

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