Harry Wakes Up

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The first thing Harry noticed was that he must be alive because he was sure that being dead did not hurt this much. He also thought that if he was dead he would finally be with his mum and dad and maybe they could be happy. Harry couldn't help but release a small groan as he shifted. The smell of the room he was in made his nose twitch, it smelt like some of the cleaning products he uses at home. Maybe Aunt Petunia cleaned his cupboard again. Confused, Harry opened his eyes slowly only to immediately shut them again at the light. He groaned in pain again, the light was just too bright it hurt his head.

"I dimmed the lights, you can open your eyes" a voice he did not recognize said next to him. This scared him because nobody else could fit in the cupboard so where was he.

Despite the pain Harry tired to open his eyes again, this time succeeding mostly. He looked towards the voice and instinctively flinched away curling into a tighter ball despite the pain. He quickly tucked his head when he saw a hand coming towards him. Harry felt his eyes go wide with panic and his breath increasing. He tried to talk but his throat was dry and itchy. There sitting by his bed was a tall man who looked exhausted. He had the same eyes as Harry only a little darker green than his own emerald color.

"Are you hurt anywhere Harry?" He asked once he saw Harry attention was on him peeking at him from under his eyes.

"No, no sir, '' Harry replied quietly, barely audible in the silent room. The only sounds are the beeping monitors. Suddenly the door to the room opened and a doctor walked in, smiling when she saw Harry awake. She came over to start checking his stats and talking to the man. Harry felt himself get really red from embarrassment when the doctor moved the hospital gown to show a diaper. He was no baby after all. He was even more embarrassed when he felt that he had used it. He whined in embarrassment making the doctor coo while changing the diaper.

"How are you feeling, young man?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Harry replied.

"We will have to see about that. Now Can you tell us your name?" She asked having realized she only had his initials still.

"My Uncle calls me Freak and my aunt calls me boy but one time I heard my babysitter call me Harry" The little boy replies with the innocence of a kid. Not realizing the tightening of fists of the man in the room or the doctor's fixed smile.

"Do you know your mum and dads names or your aunt and uncle?" The doctor asks after taking a deep breath.

"I don't know mumma and daddy but I live with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon and cousin Dudley" Harry states proud he remembers.

"Very good Harry. This man here is named Anthony and he is gonna talk with you for a bit" The doctor says while leaving to look up the family to give to Agent DiNozzo. He nods to the doctor while she leaves and turns to Harry.

"Hi Harry, my name is Tony" He said refraining from holding out his hand to touch Harry yet. He sat relaxed in his chair facing Harry. "The doctor said you're gonna be staying here for a couple more days and then hopefully after we talk you can come home with me." He reached over and found the cup and straw for Harry to take a drink from. Holding it up until Harry scooted closer and reached for the cup and took a few sips stopping when Tony said to.

"What about aunt and Uncle?" Harry asked softly.

"Well we do not know where they are right now but would you like to go back with them or with me. Now I know right now you do not know me but that is what I want to talk to you about." Tony said gently.

"I don't wanna go with Auntie and Uncle. Where do you live, you talk funny" Harry said looking around again. To Tony it seemed as though he was looking for something.

"I live in America. Its very far away from here but I do have family that lives in England." Tony replies. "Are you looking for something Harry?"

"No" Harry is quick to reply. He cannot remember if he had his blankey with him or not but he hopes he did. He starts rubbing the hospital blanket without noticing but Tony did and had a clue what he wanted. Tony would have to ask to get the blanket washed before he could give it to Harry though.

"Okay so I know you probably have some questions about me and I have some about you so how about we take turns asking questions?" Tony suggested trying to help Harry get more comfortable with him.

"Okay, do you know my Mumma and Daddy?"

"I knew your Mumma but I did not meet your Daddy" Tony answered, trying to think of how he should tell Harry that he was his Daddy. "What is your favorite color?" He asked starting slow.

"Green is the best color," Harry answered quickly. It was the color of the blanket that he desperately wanted. "What's your favorite color?"

"My favorite colors are blue and green. What is your favorite game?"

"I like to draw and color" Harry replied. "What is your job?"

"I am a police officer" Tony said simplifying his job "What is your favorite food?"

"I like spaghetti!" Harry says "Why am I going home with you?" And that was the question Tony was waiting for this whole time. Now to figure out how to tell Harry that he is actually his Daddy.

"Well when you got hurt they had to run a couple tests to see if they could find your family so they knew that you were safe. They found out that I am your daddy and that your Mumma and other Daddy were up in heaven. So I came over here to see you, my son, and take you home with me if you would like." Tony said trying to be gentle about it.

Harry sat there for a while looking at Tony and thinking. He was very happy to have a Daddy but Uncle Vernon said that nobody would ever love him so would his new Daddy love him? He saw how Tony smiled at him and it was not like Uncle Vernon. He decided he would give it a shot and he would get to see America.

"Okay I'll go home with you. Um do you know where my blankey is?" Harry asked while wiggling around in bed a little bit. His body was starting to hurt again.

"The doctors took it to get washed. Would you like me to ask if they have finished? Also you're moving around quite a bit, do you need to go potty? Or maybe more medicine?" Tony said getting up to move closer to the bed slowly. He helped Harry lie back down in the bed.

"Yes please, I want my blankey. And no I'm okay" Harry answered denying the pain he was feeling at the moment. Tony could see right through him though and would mention it to the nurse. He let Harry know he was going to see about the Blanket and tell a nurse as he turned to leave. 

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