To The Future

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Well this is it. The final chapter of this book. I want to thank each and every one of you who read and commented and left kudos. You gave the motivation to keep writing what I never imagined this story to be. This is the first time I have ever written fanfiction and I assumed it would be something maybe a couple people saw not the 50,000+ of you.

I hope that you like the second story of this just as much.

Chapter Text

Harry came home from the testing exhausted. He saw that his Daddy and Papa were still at work and as much as he wanted to be with Breena, he just wanted his Daddy after all that testing and stress. His examiner was a stern woman who reminded him of someone from his past. The memories he has from before his Daddy have faded but sometimes people of events will trigger these memories. This woman with a long next and stern face reminded him of his old aunt and he was anxious. 

“Breena, can we go see my Daddy at work?” Harry asked, sitting in the kitchen snacking on some apples with caramel dip. 

“Why bud, you know he will be home in a couple hours.” Breena asked. She laid her hand on the back of Harry’s forehead to check and see if maybe he wasn’t feeling well again. 

“I want my Daddy” Harry said, with a couple tears escaping. When he gets overwhelmed like this it can be hard for him to express himself. He has come a long way in the 6 years with Tony and Jethro but he is still a 10 year old with an abusive past. 

“Okay bud, let me call and make sure they are in the office okay?” Breena said, smoothing down his hair and pulling out her cell phone. She rang Tony and after a couple rings he answered. “Hey Tony, are you guys in the office? Someone seemed to be having a rough day and is wanting his Daddy.”

“Of Course, we are in the bullpen right now but I will meet you down in the lobby when you get here. Can I talk to him for a minute?” Tony said, sitting in his chair. Jethro looked over questioningly and Tim looked up for a minute before going back to his search. He got up to walk away from the area for a minute. “Hey bud, I heard you’re having a bit of a rough day. Can you listen to Daddy and take a couple deep breaths.” Tony felt Gibbs come up behind him and put a supporting hand on his back. 

“Daddy!” was all Harry could get out between sobs. He listened to his Daddy and started to calm down. Breena was walking around getting ready to drive to the Navy Yard. She held his hand as they locked the door and helped him into his carseat. 

“It’s okay Hare-bear. You’ll be with Daddy soon. Why don’t we take some deep breaths and maybe take a little nap, when you wake up I’ll be there with you.” Tony said down the phone. He was worried about what set Harry off so much because he knew the stress was bad but he did not think it would lead to a meltdown. 

Tony stayed on the phone during the drive listening to Harry trying to calm down and eventually fell asleep. He went down to the lobby and waited with Jethro and the two security guards Nick and Kyle were looking over, probably wondering why they were down there. 

Breena texted Tony when they got to the gate and had Dave, who was at the gate today, let her in. Tony went out to meet her at the car. She parked in the guest parking and unlocked the doors. Tony’s heart broke a little at the sight of his little boy sleeping with tear streaks down his face. He gently moved the hair off his forehead and unbuckled Harry from the carseat. He slowly grabbed his son and held him close against his chest. Breena went around and grabbed little Vicky who despite not knowing what was going on, was just excited to see her Daddy at work as well. 

Tony made sure Harry’s head was resting on his shoulder and walked back towards Jethro. Breena gave Harry’s backpack to Gibbs and went to get a guest pass and go see Jimmy. Jethro went to get the backpack checked with Nick and Tony followed him. They stayed quiet while going through everything and getting the bad cleared. Nick gave Harry a worried look and let them through. 

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