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Zanes POV

I swear to the Goddess this woman is trying to give me a heart attack. Is she just trying to send me to an early grave? First I meet her on the brink of death. Then a million little stressful things like jumping from the window, fighting Giselle, the rogues showing up and everything else.

Then I find her at the entrance to the cells crying and on the verge of passing out. When she finally did she slept for a fucking week! We couldn't figure out what was wrong. Only to have her wake up and tell me the story of how the Goddess sent her here to be the weapon to end the damn war.

I can't catch a fucking break!

After she was discharged from the hospital wing I brought her up to our room to rest. She told me her gut wrenching story on our way there. I thought I knew the legends and stories.

I didn't even know half of the fucking story...

Of course she had plenty of people ready to come see and talk to her. Thankfully she seemed happy about it. Which gave me time to come down to my office and think.

However, I don't know what to make of all this. I don't want her anywhere near the war when it happens. I want her somewhere safe, where I know I won't lose her. It doesn't seem like that is going to be possible though.

Why would the Goddess do this? Why send me her as a mate, only to have me live in constant fear of losing her? The only thing I can think of is payback. This is fucking payback, she's torturing me. As a way to pay for all my sins.


Before my rant can go any further I hear a knock at my door. I sniff the air to see who it is and quickly realize it's Felix and KC. I let out an annoyed huff before telling them to come in. They both take a seat across from my desk.

"What?" I don't mean to snap but I'm on edge at the moment.

"We just wanted to come ask how Nova was. We know all the girls are with her right now. We figured we come ask you and check on you as well." Felix says as he leans back in the chair.

"Yeah, you good man? You seem tense." KC adds.

I sign as I run my hand down my face "I'm just stressed. It's one damn thing after another lately and I can't seem to catch a break. I just want time with my mate."

"I understand, I figured after the funeral everything would be good. So do you know why she was unconscious for so long?" Felix asks.

"Unfortunately I do."

KC leans forward in the chair and looks at me for a moment before saying "Well?"

I just give him an annoyed look. -_-

"We're just trying to help." Felix adds.

I know they are, but I feel like telling them makes it real. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it to feel so real. Right now I'm still trying to process it. They should probably know though.

"She is Celeste."

They both have a confused look on their face at first. They turn to look at each other, then back to me. I simply wait, knowing it will click momentarily. The perplexed look on their faces are actually amusing. Finally it seems to register for Felix as his face transforms from confusion to pure shock.

He quickly jumps to his feet "WHAT?!"

Wow, he finally caught on!

The action and outburst seems to startle KC as he jumps in his seat. "What?" He asks looking at Felix still confused. I mentally face-palm.

"You mean the Celeste? As in Selenes personal warrior?" Felix's wide eyes never leaving mine.

"Wait, what?!" KC is apparently still trying to catch up.

"Yes." I nod and turn my stare out the window.

"Hold up, you mean to tell me the old legends about Selene eventually sending her personal warrior to earth for a great battle are true?" Felix asks.

I can see he is now pacing back and forth in front of my desk from the corner of my eye. Running his hands through his hair repeatedly. It's always been a stress habit of his.

"Ohhhh, I remember those stories. The elders use to tell them to us as kids. I thought they were always just making shit up. Telling us about how one day our kind would be faced with a great opponent in battle, and the Goddess was going to send us a warrior. They said Celeste was almost as powerful as the Goddess herself. How she was the best warrior Selene had ever seen or had. So you're saying Nova is that same warrior?" KC finally catches up.


I nod my head not bothering to look over at them, but I hear them as they both sharply inhale. In my peripheral vision I see Felix as he throws himself back in the chair and sprawls out in it. It's silent for a few minutes, and I wonder how long it will last.

"Wow." Is all KC manages to say, finally breaking the silence.

"So, what does this mean? I mean, she was sent here to end a great battle right? According to legends at least. But what great battle is there? Unless..." Felix trails off at the end not wanting to go where we all know he was headed. The vampires.

"Yes, she is a weapon sent here by Selene to win the war. A war that is apparently fast approaching. At least that's what she said the Goddess told her while she was unconscious. And yes, I believe it is going to be with the vampires." I tell them as I finally turn to face them, the word weapon still bitter tasting on my tongue.

They both wear looks of shock, horror and slight panic on their faces as they continue to stare at me. No one knows what to say next.

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