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The pack run last night was great and everything went smoothly. Everyone had fun and enjoyed themselves, especially Layla. Seeing her open up and connect with new people was very heartwarming. It was good to see the new members actually making friends, all except for Hailey.

She mostly kept herself at Kendricks side. I spent some time with her and she seemed to open up a little to me. Though, when my friends came around she retreated back to Kendrick. I think she'll eventually open up to them too, it'll just take some time.

I'm heading down for breakfast, deciding to take the stairs to get my blood pumping before todays training session. But when I start to pass the door to the ninth floor I hear the sound of crying. Only Gammas and Elites stay on this floor, now I need to know who's crying.

I walk into the hallway and follow the sound of crying. What I didn't expect was to stop in front of the door that smelled like KC and Talia. It's only her in there and she's crying, I gently knock on the door and listen. I can hear Talia sniffle to stop her crying before she yells out "Who is it?"

"It's me, Nova." I answer her.

"Be right there!"

I hear her curse under her breath. She did it so lowly that no one else would've heard, but I'm not like everyone else.

I wonder what's wrong with her?

I can hear her as she slowly walks towards the door. I start to smell her scent as she gets closer, but it's not her normal scent. I can't pinpoint it, but I know I've smelt something similar before. She finally opens the door and I can tell she's been crying for a while.

I give her a sympathetic look "Talia, what's wrong?"

She breaks down all over again, throwing herself into my arms and bawling her eyes out. I stroke her hair and tell her everything is going to be okay. The entire time I'm doing this however, I'm trying to figure out what's going on with her scent.

She finally calms down and pulls herself from my embrace. She wipes her eyes and looks at the ground, like she's embarrassed or ashamed. I just can't figure out why yet. That's when it hits me, the reason for the change in her scent.

She's pregnant!

I didn't think she'd be able to tell this early, the only reason I can is my enhanced senses. But that must be why she's so emotional right now, maybe she's scared or nervous. I'm about to congratulate her and tell her everything will be fine when she says something I didn't expect.

"I started my period today."

I give her a puzzled look, I can't tell if she knows or not. But why would she be sad about that if she didn't know?

"So you're crying because you started your period?" I ask her.

She starts laughing as she cries "Yes and no. We've been trying to get pregnant for a few months now, but every time I think I might be pregnant I start my period. It's just so frustrating."

How do I tell her she's pregnant if she's bleeding? Especially if she's been trying, this could crush her. I can't lie to her though, there may be a chance of helping her if I get her to the doctor.

"Umm..." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly "I think we should go see the pack doctor, right now."

She wipes her eyes and gives me a puzzled look "I've seen the doctor, she told me everything was fine and it will happen when it's supposed to."

"That's the thing, it has happened."

Her face goes from confused to shocked "What are you saying exactly?"

I sigh "I'm saying you're pregnant."

She goes wide eyed "H-how.. how do you know?"

I smile at her and tap the tip of my nose twice. A look of understanding crosses her face as she forms an O shape with her mouth. I grab her hand and start pulling her towards the elevator, she's going to see Millie.

I can tell she's a nervous wreck the whole way there, honestly I would be too if I was her. I've been trying to stay positive though, if anyone deserves this it's Talia. We finally make it to the medical wing and I tell one of the nurses we need to see Millie asap.

I'm sitting in the room with Talia when Millie comes in and asks what's going on. Talia looks to me unsure of how to say it. So I tell Millie that I can smell that Talia is pregnant, but that she apparently started bleeding today.

Millie does some blood work and takes a urine sample, and says she wants to do an ultrasound as well. I can see how hesitant Talia is, but she nods yes anyway. Millie leaves the room and gives Talia a moment to get prepared. I turn away so she can change and get herself positioned on the table with the sheet over her. A few moments later Millie comes back in.

"Are you ready?" She asks Talia.

Talia nods her head as she squeaks out "Yes."

I look away for a moment as Millie puts the horrifying medical torture device in Talia.

I never want to get pregnant...

But once I hear the sound of a fast paced 'thump thump thump' I snap my head back towards them. I can see what looks a tiny tadpole on the screen as Millie smiles and Talia stares in shock.

"Congratulations Talia, you're pregnant."

Talia starts crying, but it's happy crying this time. It only lasts a moment though before her face goes serious again.

"What about the bleeding?"

"It's perfectly normal for some women to bleed in the early stages. Some women actually even continue to have periods, though that's rare. Everything looks good though, and I believe in five months you'll have a healthy baby in your arms."

I smile at Talia as her face lights up with joy. She's going to make a great mother. I can't wait to see how KC reacts though, I'm definitely recording it. Talia looks down at her belly and rubs it gently.

"You're finally in there." She whispers to it with a smile on her face.

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