Chapter 40

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His big surprise was an indoor rock-climbing venue. My enthusiasm groaned. There was loud music and kids talking excitedly. Tucker signed his waiver form without reading it. I skim-read the three pages: 'may include personal injury or death', 'I willingly assume the risk', 'I have read and agree to the rules', 'I warrant not to participate while intoxicated or affected by drugs or alcohol', 'this waiver represents a legal release and discharge of legal responsibility'.

'It's a standard form,' Tucker said. 'All care, no responsibility. Go on.' I signed the form without reading the rest. 'Now we pick up the harnesses,' he said. 'They look like diapers for adults.'

A guy at the counter gave us a harness each. 'You been here before?' he asked.

I was about to say 'no' when Tucker said, 'yeah, loads of times.'

'Cool, then you'll know what to do,' the guy said.

I didn't know what to do. I wanted a ten-hour lesson. But my apprehensive everything-will-be-terrible feeling kept me silent.

We walked over to a quiet corner and stepped into our harnesses. Tucker adjusted my straps.

'It's dead easy,' Tucker said. 'All you have to make sure is that you're clipped in. That's all there is to it. You're going to love free falling, trust me.'

Yeah, right. I don't even like climbing down a ladder.

'We'll start on the beginner course,' he said. Tucker climbed up the wall as easily as a spider. By the time he reached the top, I was only two metres off the ground. 'No rush,' he yelled out.

I rolled my eyes. This is stupid. Is the harness really safe? Did we put it on properly? I double-checked to see that the rope was still attached to the clasp. Yep, it can't move. Okay. Keep going. I made my way to the top, heart pounding. I'd faked a sick day at school two years ago to get out of the rock climbing wall activity. And now look at what I'm stuck doing in the name of love. This is stupid and dangerous and pointless. What are all these people doing here, thinking this fun?

'You made it,' Tucker said when I finally reached the top.

'Yeah,' I said, faking a smile to mask my resentment. Why couldn't we have had a romantic day? A picnic at the botanical gardens or a boat ride down the Yarra? That's my idea of fun.

'Okay, so when I say go, we jump. Push off the wall with your feet. It feels fucking amazing.'

I looked down and double-checked my clasp again with my left hand.

'This is definitely attached?' I asked.

'Yes. I've seen you check it twenty times. It's definitely attached.' He giggled. 'You're so cute when you're scared, you know. Let's hold hands.'

He reached out and took my left hand and called out 'Go!' and we free fell all the way to the bottom. He was right. It did feel really bloody amazing.

We did it again and again and each time my unease lessened, until all that was left was excitement and happiness and a feeling that I could climb any mountain.


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