Chapter 62

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Two sets of ambulances were called. One for Tucker. One for me. My panic attack was so severe I couldn't breathe. I tried to look past the paramedics attending to me to see what was happening with Tucker.

One paramedic held something out to me. 'Breathe into this,' she said calmly.

The other one said, 'Stop her looking, stop her looking.' He moved his body in front of me, closing the shutter on this kaleidoscope of hell. Stopping me from seeing the flotsam body of the boy I love.

'Stop looking, sweetheart, try breathing. Like this,' the lady demonstrated a big diaphragmatic breath. But any instructions were hard to follow. Tucker's life was suspended from a wire coat hanger. I could tell from the look on Forbes' face. I could tell from the way I heard, 'hold his head. Now lift.' I could tell from this heavyweight dread in my heart. 

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