Chapter Seventeen

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"I can't do this..." My words trailed as I took a step back.

Looking up at Dorian, I could see his lips pressed together and a crease between his brows form. The statement seemed to catch him off guard.

"What?" He asked, his voice wanting to know more.

"I'm supposed to be your artist. You are my client." I rambled. "That was supposed to be it."

"Alena," His voice pleaded.

"None of this was supposed to happen. You and I aren't an item. We weren't supposed to be something else. Once I'm done with the painting, we'll just go back to normal. Before we met. Shit, but Beth and Jacob's wedding..."

"Hey!" He said, his voice louder than usual. His hands were holding my face, comforting me.

"Dorian... I hate to do this but... what are we?"

I wanted an answer. I needed an answer.

Was I his new lover?

Was I just something for his needs?

Was I another brief fling?

His hands left my face, taking a hold of my hand instead. His fingers intertwined with mine as he lead us to the sofa I had sat on during our first meeting.

"What are we?" Dorian repeated the question slowly.

As he sat down, I stood in front of him, waiting for an answer.

All I wanted this week was to sort out the gallery. During the last three days, I was able to get a lot done. I had managed to start on and nearly finish the big piece I wanted in the gallery. As well as that, I rearranged some paintings and sculptures for the grand opening. Not only that, but yesterday Beth and I were finally able to meet with the wedding planner. She was more than happy to sort and arrange the whole ceremony.

"Well," He pulled me closer towards him. "I can tell you what we're not."

I sat down beside Dorian, ready to hear his answers. He turned to me and gazed into my eyes.

"We," he began, "are definitely not friends."

I rolled my eyes at him as if to say we already knew that. There was no way in hell you would make out with a friend after brunch.

"We're not 'hanging out', that's for sure." He said, pressing a delicate kiss on the back of both my hands. "The papers say you're my lover. But I think you're more than that to me."

It felt like the world had stopped as he said it.

Was I ready for one?

"However, we are taking things slow," He whispered before leaning in and placing kisses along my arm. A sigh of relief left me, clearing up the confusion and doubt that had been on my mind since seeing the cover this morning. "We are in control of what we say we are - not them."

He looked straight at me, those beautiful piercing blue eyes mesmerising me.

"Okay," I whispered.

"Happy?" He asked.

I shrugged, not really sure.

"Do you want a relationship?"

"I don't know if I'm ready for one Dorian," I sighed. "I don't know if I can let myself have that after everything that happened."

"When you're ready, will you tell me?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Good, because I care about you a lot, Alena." Dorian confessed.

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