Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dorian's POV


A person with a guilty conscience was more likely to feel than a person with no conscience. All the peace in the world could be shattered. All because of something that was known.

How do you tell someone you know something? Something that happened two years ago. Something that could have possibly changed their life. Something that led to a butterfly effect.

It was 3:00 am. I was still awake. Alena had her eyes closed as she lay beside me. Her chest rose up and down as she slept. She seemed at peace; as if there wasn't any trouble in the world.

But all of that peace would be shattered. All because I knew her secret. She had no idea, and now the guilt was plaguing me. I didn't want to hurt her. That's one thing I promised I wouldn't do again.

Don't hurt the people you love. Don't hide things from people you care about.

The guilt was consuming me even more as I remembered Jacob and me entering the house after he had picked me up from the airport.

The flight to London wasn't anything new to me. Travelling was a necessity for me most of the time. If the meetings were required in person, then I would go wherever it was I was needed. The perks of flying private were no unnecessary questions or people trying to beat you to the plane first.

Taking my suitcase, I waited for the ok from customs and left the aircraft straight away. I thanked the captain and the hosts and hostesses and made my way down the steps.

There, leaning against the black Mercedes was Jacob with a sign that said "Rihanna".

I tried to hide the smile on my lips.

"Nice sign," I called out.

"Thanks," Jacob said, looking back down at it. "Still waiting for her."

We both burst out laughing, before hugging each other.

"I better put this away otherwise someone will genuinely think Rihanna is coming here."

"I could have got her for your wedding."

"Yeah, but how would Alena feel about that?"

I chuckled at his remark as we both got into the car. Jacob talked about all the arrangements that had been made for the wedding and where we would be staying. In the middle of all of it, Tony had face-timed me and the three of us briefly caught up with each other.

"Hey, did you get our gifts?" Jacob asked Tony while he drove us through the London traffic.

"Yeah I did," Tony blew out a heavy breath. "What the hell were you guys thinking?"

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown.

"It just all feels crazy surreal."

"Come on!" Jacob called out. "You're a big-time voice actor."

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