Chapter Eighteen

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Lying on the Beth's sofa, I looked at the bridal magazine searching for the 'perfect' bridesmaid dress

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Lying on the Beth's sofa, I looked at the bridal magazine searching for the 'perfect' bridesmaid dress. Usually, I found it easy to shop for different occasions. But, this time, I was stumped. I had no clue what to go for. Even though Beth was picky, this time she seemed to be fine with whatever, as long as it went with the colour scheme.

"You're too quiet," Beth exclaimed. I looked up from the bridal magazine and was greeted with a frowning face that wanted to know something. I sat up from the sofa and reached for the pastel pink mug to take a sip of tea.

"You've done something Alena Richards. I bloody know it!"

The heat in my cheeks rose at Beth's assumption.

"You've got more colour in your cheeks!" She continued teasingly. "You're practically glowing! What the hell have you been doing?"

"You know what? I think I've found the perfect bridesmaid's dress for the wedding." I pointed to the magazine.

"Oh, yeah, lovely! I don't give a shit right now. What did you and Dorian do?" She asked with a smile on her lips.

I looked at her with a fake gasp. "Are you assuming something, Beth?"

"Well, I don't know, you tell me!" She laughed. "Did you guys have sex?"

"You know I really like this gold colour, but I don't know what-"

"Don't change the bloody subject!" She shouted, jumping up and down like a three-year-old throwing a tantrum.

I looked at her with a serious look. "Woman! Calm yourself!"

Taking a deep breath, Beth sat back down.

"Did you get the couch changed?" I noticed that the dark brown couch was now a misty grey colour.

"Yeah. Got it to match the tiled fireplace."

"Nice," I said, giving Beth a high five whilst admiring the new décor.

"Anyway!" she exclaimed, looking at me eagerly. She wanted an answer, and she needed it now.

I let out a deep breath, feeling my heart beat against my chest.

"We didn't have sex..."

Her shoulders dropped.

"But he kind of did something for me..."

"What?" Beth asked, quietly.

"He went down on me..."

Beth's eyes bulged out in surprise. Her hand flew to her mouth, stopping any squeal or scream coming from her lips.

"He went down on you?"

I nodded, pressing my lips together to hide my smile.

"And he expect nothing back?"

I shook my head.

"Oh my god," Beth whispered, in shock. "Was it good? Did he make you-"

I nodded my head and took another sip of tea.

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