Chapter Twenty-One

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"This... This is amazing!" Beth gasped, looking around the gallery. We watched the visitors and groups of people admire, talk and drink the day away. "I'm so proud of you!"

I could feel all the overwhelming emotions as Beth pulled me into a hug. I held on as much as I could before a treacherous tear rolled down my cheeks. I had managed to keep it in for this long. But, with Beth having witnessed everything from the beginning, I ended losing the grip on my emotions.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked, pulling away to see my face.

I shook my head. The next thing I knew, more hot, wet droplets rolled down my cheeks.

"Oh Als, don't cry!" She said. The next thing I knew, I was being dragged into the back studio room. Finding a roll of tissues, she ripped a sheet and handed it to me. I sat on the studio table as the flood of tears left me.

""Why are you crying?" Beth asked, rubbing my back as she tried to comfort me. After what seemed like a long time to try and get my breathing under control, I finally told her.

"It's over," I said simply. "I've wanted to open a gallery and have people of different backgrounds and different statuses enjoy people's artwork and find a bit of peace... And I finally did it. I did it Beth and I feel so proud but at the same time I feel like everything is over."

"What are you on about you stupid child?" She said, looking at me seriously. "It's not over. It never is. You've been through so much. You created something so beautiful and perfect from everything you've been through. You could have just stayed in London and become a complete wreck after everything. Bu you didn't. You manged to use the love that you lost to create something. You managed to make a dump of a building into something beautiful. This part may be over but you move onto the next thing now. You can create something new and beautiful... Or possibly, have something new and beautiful."

I looked at her realising what she had meant from those last words. Dorian was that something new and beautiful. Some part of me had let go of Daniel and now...

"I mean he's not exactly new..." Beth teased, "but he's definitely beautiful!"

I let out a soft giggle as I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes.

"He is," I sniffed. "Is it bad I want to draw him when he's not looking?"

"In a cute way? Nope. In a creepy way? You need help love." She deadpanned before laughing. I erupted in giggles.

"Okay," I said, wiping the last of my tears and nose. "Thank you. I know I don't say this enough but I love you. You're my best friend and I don't know what I would do without you."

Her bright blue eyes started to glaze. "Fuck you man. I love you too." Her sobs filled the air as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I think we both need to sort ourselves out."

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