Chapter Fourteen

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"I'm never going to find it!" Beth screamed at the top of her lungs

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"I'm never going to find it!" Beth screamed at the top of her lungs.

The bridal sales consultant and I exchanged alarmed looks before she scurried away, giving Beth the privacy she needed.

Beth stood in front of the mirrors

"Beth, it's going to be okay," I said, placing the free glass of champagne on the nearest table and holding my best friend's hands.

"What if I can't find it?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes. The sheer, organza A-line skirt puffed up as she threw her arms up. Just by looking at the dress she was wearing, I knew it wasn't for her. If there was anything I knew about Beth, she was a perfectionist when it came to big events like this. For my birthday this year, she spent two months finding the perfect outfits for each of us. By some miracle, she found it in the exact size, right shade and right cut the day before the party. Was there anyone she was trying to impress? No, it was just herself. If she was happy, that was all that mattered.

"I've wasted four and a half hours of my bloody life!"

"Okay Beth, you need to chill." I gripped her shoulders. "Ideally, were you going to find your dress today?"

"No," she huffed, her eyes filled with tears.

"So, we make another appointment. We look at some magazines, look online and see what you like. How's that?"

"If it helps, you haven't set a wedding date!" The consultant chirped.

"Oh, my god! I haven't even set a date!" Beth cried.

"Okay, how about we get you out of this and go get some air and go home, hmm?"

Beth nodded her head in reply. She made her way back to the changing room; the consultant followed behind, ready to help. As I waited another 20 minutes for Beth to get out of the 'wrong' dress, I found myself looking at the other display pieces. Some looked the same, while others looked so unique. I couldn't help but let my fingertips play with each of the different fabrics.

"Okay, I am ready," Beth sighed. I turned to see her dressed in her plain baby blue dress.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah," she sighed. "Right now, I need as many distractions as I can get."

As we walked out of the bridal store and back to my car, I noticed Beth tapping away at her phone. I couldn't help but wait for her to finish before I unlocked the car.

"Want to grab lunch with us? Jacob found this new restaurant."

It looked like Beth had found the distraction she needed.

"What's it called?"

Beth shrugged. "I don't know, but it's on 65th street if that helps."

"I don't see why we shouldn't go."

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