Chapter 2 Finding the own place

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He does have something. I can tell exactly that something is bothering him.

Is he angry?

Everything went as planned.

I told him beforehand what kind of things I'm going to say today.

That's often the reason why Nong Nat always seemed to be in a bad mood after our performances.

He told me that he couldn't handle the unexpected flirting well. He then doesn't know how to react and all the world sees him blush.

How cute!

He is so cute!

But I took his request seriously, of course.

After all, I am his pi.

I have more experience. I'm years ahead of him in flirting.

And even though I love the moment when he blushes.

When he can't hold my gaze.

His smile when his soft red velvet cheeks turn away.

The way his shy eyes look at the floor.

Yes, I really like Nat's reaction to my attacks.

I can understand why fans scream out loud at the sight. I would scream too if my breath wasn't taken away by this long ago.

What a sight.

Simply cute.

Of course I tease Nat when I'm rewarded with such an adorable, cute look in return.

Of course I want to see Nat's cheeks color.

But of course I do him the favor and discuss with him beforehand what flirting attempts I have in mind for the stage.

He can then react better and there is an exchange of words.

A little script of our own.

Too bad.

I prefer spontaneous romance.

But Nong Nat I can never refuse anything.

And today we stuck to the plan after all.

Yes, I'm allowed to improvise here and there.

We are brothers.

There are no limits.

But since we've been behind the scenes, I can tell he's got something.

I've known him long enough.

I can sense that something is bothering him.


He seems so tense.

And he doesn't seem to want to come clean yet.

Even on the car ride, my enchanting Nong just keeps me silent.

"So, what else are you doing tonight?", I ask casually, interrupting the thought-filled atmosphere.

And I wait patiently for Nat to answer me.

"I don't know yet! ', he grumbles, "NuNew still wanted to go around the houses with me. "

Oh, he mentions that in passing.

"I think you're tired!", I try to say relaxed.

But relaxed I most certainly am not.

First he pulls such a dismissive face all the time and now he tells me that he still wants to go party.

Speak plainly, Nat!

I can't stand this childish behavior.

"Why are you looking so angry?" asks Nat, trying to catch my gaze.

"Why are you acting so childish?" it shoots out of me.

We've arrived by now and I'm standing in front of the palace of a parent's house that Nat gets to call his kingdom.

And I can't understand myself.

Why am I suddenly so angry?

The way he looks at me.

I shouldn't have said that.

But when I reach for his hand to apologize, he just snatches it from mine.

"You're right.

I'm not a child.

I don't want to act childish.

Enough is enough.

I finally have to find my place!" he tells me, eyes wide and brow furrowed in worry.

"Nat, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I was just surprised that you still wanted to go party tonight," I explain my behavior.

And his stony gaze hit me deeply.

"You have nothing to worry about. I'm not going to put our careers in jeopardy. I know how to behave in public. Besides, we're at a private party. I'm not posting anything tonight! Don't worry!", Nat irritates me.

"Whose private party is this? Where are you going to go? Who's all coming with you? Why aren't you taking me?", I finally want to understand.

"I finally have to find my place, Max!", Nat's voice trembles, worrying me greatly.

"What do you mean by that?

Please talk to me! Tell me what's bothering you!", I demand in a deliberately calm voice with my heart beating way too fast.

But my Nong Nat only looks at his legs.

I bend over to him and search his gaze.

What's wrong with him?

He wants to look for his place?

"Nat!", I touch his cute chin and turn his face to me, "Your place is by my side. Why do you want to look for your place? You're at my side!"

And I see his eyes fill with shimmering tears.

My heart.

My heart.

Calm down, my heart.

"Hasn't your Pi been good to you today?", I ask in a whisper.

And watch his eyes move away from mine.

Nat clears his throat and finds his voice again:

"Pi is always good to me!

Pi is the perfect partner!

Pi has nothing to worry about!

I'm more mature now.

Don't forget that!

You can just live your life now.

Finally take time for yourself!

You don't always have to take care of me!" he nods and pats me on the shoulder, gently withdrawing his hand and giving me a deep look,

"I need time for me too.

I don't want to be nong all the time!

Let me find my place!

I'll see you in the studio tomorrow," I hear Nat's serious voice and watch him get out of the car.

And the final slam of the car door sweeps me up inside in dangerous floods.

FANFICTION When it just happensOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara