Chapter 5 Fear

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"James!" shouts Net after him.

And when he reaches the deck, James is standing by the few stairs that lead to the sea.

His brown hair blows in the wind in time with his red and white floral shirt.

He has his arms crossed and is gazing out at the open sea.

Their foamy path dances on the surface of the water.

Their path to this point.

The high sails let the breeze rushing show its strength.

"James!", Net calls the name of the man he is only ever allowed to admire in his shadow, "What's wrong?", he approaches cautiously.

James remains silent.

Net is unsettled.

Should he continue to press him?

Not that he's making it worse.

"James!" he dares to call out tentatively once more.

And James abruptly turns around.

His glowing cheeks are at odds with his ice-cold eyes.

His raspberry lips stand still, radiating a sublime arrogance.

Net feels a twinge at the sight of his coldness.

Never could he find words to address him now.

Inwardly torn, he searches James' face for a spark close to him.

All he can do is shake his head.

"Can't I have a moment to myself?" asks James with a hint of doubt.

"But," Net begins, and is interrupted.

"I want you to leave me alone now. Why don't you go back? You'll be received better there!", James voice strengthens.

Net swallows.

A choking hand settles on his throat.

He's not ready anymore.

He won't give himself that anymore.

He just doesn't want to be treated like this anymore.

He just doesn't understand James.

Nor does he care enough to open up to him.

Not even a friend.

Not a brother.

When you love someone, you don't show yourself like that.

That can only mean one thing.

And Nat nods.

"All right!" his cold voice rings out, "I'll leave you alone!" he says, and begins to unbutton his shirt.

James is stunned by the change.

Net takes off his shirt, slips out of his sandals, and climbs onto the white stern rail.

"Net!" exclaims James, watching him head into the water.

"Net!" yells James, jumping to the stern rail.

His widened eyes search for his surfacing cougar.

His heart suffers a fearful tremor.

And when he still can't catch sight of him, tears burst from their ice cellar.

"Net!" breaks his desperate voice.

And he climbs onto the stern rail.

"James! What are you doing?", Max sounds loudly.

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