Chapter 9 View, opinion, caution

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"We are off the pristine island of Koh Tao!", Nat films the Djun hills whose white beaches and palm trees lead to the bright turquoise waters of the sea, "The northeast coast of Dragon Island is about to give us a view of life underwater for two hours", he zooms back to the deck.

And he turns the camera to his friends.

Friends, with their snorkeling gear at their heads and feet, offering a ravishingly exciting view.

James has his arms crossed and looks nervous.

He's never been snorkeling before and is a little afraid of the sight of sea creatures.

These endless amounts of water vouch for uncanny dangers that have always made James be wary.

How often did his nightmares hit him right in the fear spot?

The power of the sea and the violence of nature offered him the prospect of death in his dreams.



Attacks from swimming animals.

James weares his glance.

But Net sees that his beautiful face is wet with fear.

And a deep desire settles warmly over his mind.

He wants to protect him.

To open his eyes to visible happiness.

And shower him with his infinite love.

Net's heart begins to beat loudly and he points the camera at Maxnat.

The grinning messengers of love, standing side by side, holding hands.

Every cell of their body radiates that they are ready.

For all views, opinions, coutions.

They are ready for the shimmering blue.

The beautiful shapes and colors of Mother Nature.

For all the colors of life and love.

They are ready.

And the dancing wind makes their hair feel free.

"We all have a camera attached to our diving goggles. You will accompany each of us. You will see with our eyes," he turns off the vlog camera and everyone activates their own on the snorkel goggles still on their foreheads.

And we gain the view of each of these men in love, we love.

Their views, opinions, coutions.

Net approaches James, who is being addressed by Juna.

"You seem tense, sweetheart!" she puts her hand on James shoulder, "Relax! You'll be taken in by the beauty!", her sweet accent is directed at him, "And look who's standing by your side!", she points at Net, who has joined them in the meantime.

James looks into his cougar's warmest eyes and feels a gentle calm rise within him.

"This cutie here is a sea-dweller!" she winks at Net and places her other hand on his shoulder, "He's told me of his fondness for diving into the sea. You'll be safe by his side!", Juna rejoices.

Two such gorgeous young people, so good for each other.

Just Juna's thing!

But James cannot embrace this joy.

Juna's hand on Net's shoulder.

And when did he tell her about himself?

How familiar they seem.

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