Chapter 17 The Only One (18+)

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After the crew explain to them three times that all cameras were now really turned off and finally said goodbye, the six of them stood on the beach for a while.

A while that was filled with quiet joy and sizzling longing.

"Shall we have another cocktail?" asked Tutor, who admittedly felt a rapid excitement fluttering within him.

His body showed the typical signs of a newly enamored fool who doesn't know how to frame the next moment.

He scratched his head far too often in that silent while and his hands sweated.

His stomach tingled so intensely that he tried to cut off the butterflies' oxygen by holding his breath.

And that look from Yim made him all the more nervous.

Why is he looking like that?

So deep.

So lovely.

Those cheeks, so alluring when he smiled.

Tutor's heart pumped faster and faster the treacherous amounts of blood into the finest veins of his skin at this look.

And Yim smirked dreamily at the sight of Tutor covered in shame.

No cameras, then.

A whole new perspective.

"I'd love one of your delicious cocktails!" purred Yim, slowly approaching Tutor.

He just stood next to him, but Tutor's heart suddenly beat so fast he was almost dizzy.

What was wrong with him?

They had become much closer here, after all.

They kissed and hugged each other.

Why does he react like a schoolboy now, when Yim just stands at his side?

Why does this closeness leave such a tingle on his skin?

No cameras.

That should actually relax him more.

Instead, Tutor feels an excitement that he didn't even encounter in such a form before big performances.

"We're pulling out! You guys have a good night!", NuNew smiled broadly and pulled
Zee behind him.

A grinning happy Pi could still hear Nat's giggling in the background as his NuNew's tender hand pulled him into heavenly togetherness.

"What are you giggling about?" grinned Max at his Nong.

Nat bit his lower lip, stood on tiptoe, and approached his love's ravishing face.

Until the tip of his nose touched his cheek and he received from the scent of his skin the surest bliss of love.

A cameraless night with the love of his life.

He pressed his lips against the skin of his love and smiled contentedly.

And Max felt the wild beating of his heart.

A phenomenon that belongs only to Nat.

"I'm just glad the two of them have some time to themselves now!" declared Nat with a deep look, "I'd like to be alone with you now, too!" he purred.

And Max's embarrassed smile awakened Nat's joyful chuckle.

Max put his arms around Nat's waist and kissed the top of his head.

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