Chapter 10 Back to the White Villa

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"Zee, there you are!", NuNew jumps up from the couch when he sees his beloved climbing the four marble white stairs.

He runs the few feet over to him and is startled when he looks into Zee's face.

"What happened?" cries NuNew in a panic, "Zee?" he begins to scan him all over, "What happened to your eye?"

NuNew can't control his worry.

His heart races and his hands shake as he carefully touches Zee's face.

Zee averts his gaze.

"There's nothing wrong. Don't worry!" he tries to reassure his nong, "I'm going to take a shower. Don't worry!", he strokes NuNew's trembling hand and wants to run into the white villa.

NuNew has to fight the tears.

Zee has an increasingly dark bruise on his right temple.

He is hurt.

His Zee is hurt.

"I'm coming with you!" determines NuNew.

And he doesn't care what the fans see or don't see.

He will go with him to the bathroom and lovingly examine and wash every inch of his body.

He will take care of his Zee.

Let the fans speculate what they want.

Yes, they will go to the bathroom together.

And NuNew frets that the fans probably know more than he does.

They saw what happened.

Zee looks composed.

He nods to NuNew and allows him to prop him up to the bathroom.

His nong is worried and he shouldn't feel so helpless.

But just as they get to the large living area, they run into Nat.

He freezes in place when he sees Zee's black eye.

"What happened?" he almost croaks.

Zee looks at him sheepishly.

"It looks worse than it is. I should have just left Max alone. It was my fault he saw red," Zee explains to his trembling Nong Nat.

"What?", Nat feels an avalanche of adrenaline overtake his body, "Where's Max? What about him?", Nat shakes.

"Leave him now! He needs his time!", Zee replies seriously.

"I'm tending Zee's wound now!", NuNew grimly intervenes.

It's not Nat's fault, after all. And he has no idea what happened. But Max seems to have hit Zee, and NuNew feels pure rage rising inside him.

He just wants to be alone with Zee now.

Nat has to cope on his own now.

The Nat who by now is so upset that tears just flow down his face.

"Nat!", Zee wants to calm him down, "You know that Max is quite jealous. He didn't think our action in the kitchen earlier was funny. It was too much for him. But he's calming down already. I've tried to talk to him. He knows exactly how we feel about each other. But that's how Max is. Let him have his time. He has to find his mind again. Then he'll come back again! You should really leave him alone now!"

Nat begins to sob.

"And he hit you?" he asks, completely stunned.

"I was exaggerating. I know Max, and I exaggerated. I should have given him the time to calm down. But it's not as bad as it looks. We're best friends. That's where it can happen. Don't worry about it!" he puts his hand on Nat's shoulder and squeezes it.

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