Chapter 5 Breathless

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"Where's Nong Nat?" asks Zee, looking at Max.

They all met in the large living area of the white villa after a voice they knew suddenly resounded in all the rooms.

At 6pm, they are all supposed to gather together in front of the big TV. Their challenge will be explained to them by P'Aof himself via stream.

The day went by in a flash.

NuNew and Zee had stuck to his plan. They unpacked their things while surveying the cleverly hidden cameras in their bedroom.

Large, bright and romantically decorated bedrooms with floating veils around the large four-poster beds.


Cameras also on the high supports of the beds.

The pool was delightfully refreshing and the walk on the beach let them enjoy the scenery silently by each other's side.

Hand in hand.

And fans got to see numerous zoomed-in moments of Zee dreamily gazing at his NuNew.

His longing eyes rested on his bare feet in the white sand, his pale chest shining through the open buttons of his light shirt, his beautiful face fringed with waving strands of black hair.

Zeenunew fans were shown their romantic pair.


Wordlessly, the two floated in paradisiacal scenery.

Tutor and Yim, on the other hand, made their fans' hearts gallop.

The walk on the beach degenerated into a rangeleit.

Yim repeatedly whined about how hot he was, while Turor endeavored to initiate an interesting conversation.

"What other countries would you like to travel to?" he asked, his cat eyes twinkling.

"Are you satisfied with the path your life has taken so far? And what would you like to change?", Tutor wanted to know Yim better.

"Do you have another dream you're dying to fulfill?" he kept trying.

But Yim found in all the questions the opportunity to make known his regrets about the heat.

And so the fans could see Tutor scratching his head, looking a bit desperate, and finally seeming to have a realization.

And in seconds he grabbed Yim, slung him over his shoulder and ran with him into the water.

Yim screamed and kicked his legs.

But Tutor was not deterred, slapped him on the butt, ran deeper into the shallow sloping cool water and threw Yim with momentum into the water.

And tingling stomachs were allowed to watch as they chased each other in the water, splashing at each other, pushing each other down.

Beaming looks between the two brought smiles to their faces.

And after an extensive water battle, their hearts stopped as Tutor's hand tenderly brushed away the wet strands from Yim's face.

And looked at him with a deep gaze into those big, kind eyes.

And Yim's gentle smile made Tutor unable to resist.

He guided his fingers to the red-wet, ravishing cheeks of Yim and tenderly pinched the soft skin.


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