Chapter 6 I will fight for him!

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NuNew's POV

"Nat, get a grip already! Stop fidgeting like that!", I try to reach Nat while we are on stage performing a break from rehearsals.

When Nat and Max arrived, Nat looked like he had seen a ghost.

He's so pale.

But, of course, that could be for other reasons.

He really let Ohm bottle him up.

And Max's aura seems particularly threatening today. With him, you always can't judge what's raging inside him right now.

Is he angry?

That's for sure.

At least I think so.

I really feel sorry for Nat. Even if it's his own fault.

Zee hasn't left Max's side since they arrived.

He really is such a smart pi.

I couldn't have gotten a better partner.

Always professional, attentive and caring.

And yes, quite attractive.

I keep noticing that.

As Nat fidgets back and forth in front of me, while his complexion really starts to worry me, I stand looking at Zee and Max.

Both of them are standing on the other side of the stage talking.

Zee is having more of a conversation.

Max stands rigid and silent.

As stiff as his gaze is fixed on me and Nat.

It's a good thing Nat has his back to them.

I'm sure he'd be very insecure if he saw Max's expression.

Even more rattled.

His fidgeting is driving me crazy.

"Nat!", I reach for his arm, "Take a deep breath and just stop for a second!", I beg, looking at him demandingly.

"NuNew, I can't. My heart is just pumping too fast. I'm about to keel over!" he whispers to me.

And he comes very close to me as he does so.

Max can see that clearly.

"Nat, Max is looking so dangerous again!", I warn him, "Do you want to go somewhere else? Do you want to lie down somewhere short? It's the alcohol's fault. You should rest for a minute. The break is almost over. Today we have to hold out so long," I show him my concern.

"No, I can't lie down. I'm freaking out. I'm so excited!" declares Nat with widened eyes.

And for the first time, I really feel sorry for Max.

Even though I'm often annoyed when he treats Nat so harshly.

Like a child.

And still turns his head with his seduction games.

Nat is so in love with him.

And it took me long to finally get him to open up to me.

Unrequited love is so painful.

Especially when you have to work together almost every day.

I don't usually feel sorry for Max.

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