Chapter 14 Being a child

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"Did you put suncream on?", Nat scurries around Max. He rummages here and there, gathering the items he wants and putting them in his backpack.

He's so excited.

Ever since he was a child, he has had a very special bond with elephants.

His parents always exemplified their love for living creatures to him.

With their fortune, they were able to support various projects that helped these majestic animals to be free in the wild.

Especially since in Thailand more elephants are kept as pets and farm animals than there are any left in the wild.

And so, since childhood, Nat accompanied his parents on visits to their donation facilities.

Hospitals for elephants.

Care areas that help animals explore their habitat again.

Young elephants.

Old elephants.

Pregnant ones.

Sick ones.

Nat knows a lot about elephants.

His friends are such wonderful creatures.

"Max!" snaps Nat suddenly in front of his face, "Have you been putting lotion on? We've been out in the blazing sun all day. It's going to be insane!" he claps his hands euphorically.

Max looks at his Nong with astonished eyes.

Ever since Nat greeted the morning with his eyes open, he's been so bustling and excited.

He just jumped right out of the big bed and started the day.

Without even looking at Max.

And since then, Max got to watch him get out of the shower, leave a wet trail, and get his bag out of the closet.

And he'd get dressed in the bathroom.

Came back out and has since been scurrying around Max, who has gotten up in the meantime.

Not one look has he given him so far.

And is snapping at him now.

Max's grim face shows his displeasure.

And Nat wants to motivate him.

He grabs both arms with his sweet hands and starts his speech with big googly eyes:

"Max! Today's shoot is going to be great. I'm so indescribably excited to be doing this tour with you. I miss my friends so much. And I finally get to introduce them to you today!"

Max blinks a couple of times, trying to understand.

"The elephants, Max!" explains Nat patiently, "They are such incredibly human animals!"

Max's gaze now shows a worried tendency.

His Nong irritates him and he has a completely different emotional aspect in his sights just inside anyway.

Everything suddenly seems so suspect to Max.

Nat fell asleep so quickly yesterday.

While he was on the phone with P'Aof, he jumped in the shower and threw himself on the bed, exhausted.

And that's exactly the position Max found him in.

A towel around his hips.

Wet hair.

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