Chapter 14 Admission

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We are all sitting together at the big dining table in the wonderful little canteen in our studio.

The food was excellent.

Always fresh and delicious.

And of course catering to all the various diets of our prescribed body measurements.

The crew is in a good mood and P'Aof is at full speed.

He tells us about interviews, press releases and special requests.

It's precisely because we work so intensely and closely together that he's such an important authority on all of us.

A dad.

An uncle.

A friend.

Someone you can trust and who shows you the right way.

And his raunchy jokes in between always make us laugh.

I'm at a table with people I have locked tightly in my heart.

A family.

And as is well known, families are not always good to each other.

I look over at Zee, who, since we sat down, just stares at Nat.

I can't help it.

It bugs me the way he looks at him.

He seems to want something from him.

Of course, I don't have to worry about it.

But I still don't like it.

Especially since I found out yesterday that my best friend apparently knew about Ohm and didn't think for a moment to let me know.

Friendship looks different.

I would not have expected that from him.

And the disappointment I can only accept relaxed, because this petite-sweet Nong here next to me, reserved my entire body, my soul, my heart, my life fully only for himself.

I belong to him.

How good that feels, to just let it happen.

I am so relieved to finally admit it to myself.

And the flashing images in my head remind me every second of completely different moments of relief.

It makes me laugh.

And Nat turns to me.

With an adorable smile, he comes closer to me and whispers:

"Your laughter is doing something to me! You better not do that! I won't be able to keep it together!"

And he very gently takes my earlobe between his lips.

And the tip of his tongue allows itself a brief moment.

I feel myself flaring up and choking on the morsel in my mouth.

And Nat pats me on the back and nods kindly.

That Nong.

My astonished eyes quickly search for a way out.

If I keep staring at him now, I will hear the consequences immediately in my thoroughly worn out crotch.

I'd rather not.

My God!

My hips really hurt.

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