Chapter 19 Pi Max and Nong Nat (18+)

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"Did you hear that?" giggles Nat, who has laid down next to Max on the big four-poster bed.

Zee's lustful howl shakes through the house and, of course, doesn't escape Max and Nat.

Nat has to force himself not to run out of the room. He was too eager to eavesdrop, where there are probably more such noises.

But Max would surely scold him.

He seems a bit dazed anyway since they've been in the bedroom.

Nat would have loved to jump right on him, but he could tell he didn't feel like playing right now.

So he held back and decided to dance to Max's beat.

Max is lying on his stomach with his gorgeous face resting on his folded arms.

His gaze is fixed on his Nong. And his eyes gleam a wistfulness that Nat wants to take a closer look at.

The weekend left its mark on Max's soul.

Ups and downs that stirred him up a lot.

And all this in front of the eyes and ears of the public.

Max is usually so controlled.

He is the cool dinosaur.

Every smile, every wink is spot on.

But ever since his feelings for Nat took over, he's been getting to know himself in completely new colors.

Everything shines in completely new pigments.

The darkest abysses frighten him just as much as the brightest peaks.

His senses are completely overstimulated and stunned by the most tremendous and breathtaking natural phenomena, which bring his love for this Nong.

And the growing urge for more sensory intoxication hovers omnipresent in his soul and body.

But hearing Zee in such intoxication is really not necessary now.

Max grins at Nat and squints his eyes.

He doesn't want his Nong hear his best friend like that either.

They can't go at each other like savages as soon as the cameras are turned off.

Max wants to control himself.

Not reduce Nat to his body.

He wants Nat to feel emotionally connected to him.

Not to experience his love merely libidinously.

His Nong means everything to him.

And he wants to prove to him that there are still infinite depths that he holds for him.

Physical abstinence brings them much closer spiritually.

They can also become one when they listen to each other and look into each other's eyes.

Even though the images of their physical symbiosis keep hitting Max in the head.

Making his heart race and his embers flame.

He wants to prove it to himself and to his Nong.

He is a good Pi.

And that age difference takes its toll.

He must bear the responsibility of making sure their relationship takes deep root.

Physical devotion can only catapult them to their heaven.

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