Chapter 8 Pi Nat

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Photographer's POV

"Max, you're off your game! The performance must have been too much for you. We still need some photos. Do you want to take a short break?", I ask Max, who is sitting tensely on the chair while Nat hugs him from behind.

Otherwise, it's always Nat who has to collect himself first during the poses.

Sometimes he even has to be touched up because the blush shows through too much.

Now he stands behind Max, leans forward and presses his cheek against the deep red Max.

So smart.

Nats gaze is full of devotion.

And Max's eyes almost tremble with embarrassment.


I love my work!

Nat's smirk is just too adorable.

He squints at Max as he presses his face even harder against his cheek.

Max looks in a rage.

Too funny!

"Max, can you hear me?", I try to reach the usually cool man.

Shooting Max is always a delight.

He is very good looking and knows how to present himself.

A feast for the eyes.

But Max seems to have just left.

Instead, Nat winks at me.

He puts his hand on Max's glowing cheek and gives him a peck on the other.

Max twitches and bites his lower lip.

And my finger knows on its own when to snap.

Stunning image.

"It's okay, we'll take a short break! I'll take care of my Pi!", Nat replies to me, letting Max out of his confinement.

And I see Max finally exhale and look longingly after Nong Nat, who leaves the room.

And finally Max looks at me.

"Are you okay?", I ask him with a grin.

He just nods.

"Are you running a fever?", I ask wryly.

He smiles.

"The choreography was very exhausting today. I guess another photo shoot after that is too much," he explains.

We both act as if this is actually something special.

As if they don't otherwise race from appointment to appointment.

Always fresh and sexy.

Max is never frazzled.

"Okay. I'll give you guys a break. A few more photos it will be. Nat can take care of you for a bit now!", I grin.

Max averts his gaze and scratches his head.

And, speak of the devil.

Nat comes into the room with a glass of water in one hand and a cold pack in the other, walks lithely toward Max, and sits on his lap.

I have to stifle a laugh when I see the look on Max's face.

His nong shocks him.

Nat begins to cool his pi's face with the cold pack.

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