Chapter eight: Meet drunk

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It wasn't a "meet cute" as they say... it was more like a "meet drunk" and regret everything you said or didn't say to her forever.

The bar was busy, filled with bustling bodies, there was a drag act on stage and everyone was singing along and getting into the spirit of it, a Friday night at the new gay bar in the city.

I had a fake ID, courtesy of Cam who made them our senior year of high school. Cameron was skilled in both illegal tattoos and illegal paperwork, basically he was running a shady little enterprise from his garage, but he made a killing, every cent he made for years he put away incase he needed it for top surgery one day. Cute, but illegally skilled, a perfect combination, as nobody ever suspected him of doing anything shady.

"Another round of shots please" I ask the woman behind the bar and I lean back against it, arms resting either side of me on its wooden edging as I sing along to the song coming from the stage and scan the room for any girls of interest.

Cam and Jade are chatting away beside me, they had an instant connection when they met, they both spoke French fluently, Cam from his mother Greer and Jade from her father and life living in France. I didn't understand anything they said when they started their back and forth but I enjoyed listening to it, and I liked that Cam fit in so seamlessly with my soccer squad.

Clark is already with a girl at a table across the room, I envy the way she just has to look a girls way to get their attention. I was confident, I didn't have a problem approaching a girl, but nobody was doing it for me tonight, and honestly I think it had a lot to do with Ava, she was trying to talk and texting me daily all of a sudden. I saw her all week at practice, and I think slowly but surely she was cock blocking me in my own damned mind.

"Here you go" the woman serving said setting down a tray of shots beside me, and I turn and look up to find her winking at me. I smile politely, she was cute, and I watch her walk back down the bar to another patron.

"She likes you" Cam observes returning to my side and leaning over to grab a shot glass. We each clink our glasses and throw back the green liquid.

I grimace at the sour taste "oof that's strong"

Cam imitates me "Wren that is disgusting" he says sticking out his tongue, his left eye twitching with the taste.

"So do you like her" he asks composing himself.

I look down the bar and catch her checking me out again before quickly removing her eyes, she takes another order, the order she's taking is ... Millie's.

"Millicent Dawson in the house" Cameron observes and he hands me another shot "the professors daughter ... a potential queer... say it isn't so" he says jovially as we clink our glasses again and down another.

I sit back and watch Millie with a friend, she's laughing, her head thrown back as her friend whispers something to her. The friend is with a guy, Millie turns to check out the room and I quickly avert my eyes and turn to Cameron with my back to her.

"Why are you hiding from her" Cameron asks amused. "You don't even know her" he adds.

"I'm not hiding" I say lying through my teeth,  but it was quite true...she didn't know me, but I instantly wanted to know her. I was forcing myself to look away because I really shouldn't go there, even though everything in me begged me to turn around right now and go speak with her.

"Cam come dance with me" Jade asks grabbing his arm.

Jade was drunk for perhaps the first time in her life and I felt a little guilty since she was my room mate and I knew she was pretty innocent compared to us.

WrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora