Chapter twenty three: Moira

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"Oh hey... Cam. Morning" Jade greets with surprise as she awkwardly opened the door to our dorm room.

I smiled as I grabbed my white converse high tops and thrust my feet into them one by one. Jade was absolutely mortified to open the door in her pyjamas, she hadn't done her hair or brushed her teeth. I observe her quickly dart over to grab her robe and wrap it around herself as Cam enters the room from behind her, he looks handsome, a fresh hair cut and a new trim to the facial hair. I could smell his dreamy cologne from here.

I wink at him "you look nice"

He narrows his eyes at me "do I" he asks coyly.

"You know you do" I tease.

He moves his hands across his lips before Jade turns toward us both, motioning a zip.

"You do look good" Jade observes "really handsome Cameron"

"Thanks" he says looking to her affectionately and if I wasn't mistaken, his voice was deeper than usual too.

He motions towards me with his hand "I've come to take Wren to breakfast before class... I've got to interrogate her like only a best friend can..." he promises.

I raise my eyebrows "ooh I do love a good torture session... let's go... but buy me some pancakes this time... I'm craving sugar right now"

"Done and done" he says and we wave to Jade as we leave.

"See you later guys ... have a good day"  she calls after us.

We are sat with breakfast in front of us for a mere two seconds before Cams interrogation begins.

"What does Ava know that I don't" he asks.

I pause, my fork of pancakes at my lips, a piece falling back to my plate where it plopped into a puddle of syrup "nothing" I frown and I take the bite.

Cam shakes his head "wrong answer" and he cuts my pancake stack in half and removes them to his plate.

I look down wide eyed "Cameron" I whine "not my food" I beg.

"Right answers get food... wrong answers get nothing but an empty tummy"

I roll my eyes and groan. "What does Ava know that you don't?" I ask out loud, repeating his question back to him.

"Yes Wren, what does your ex know that your best friend for forever doesn't... and why does she know anything... I thought she got cut from the group chat"

I nod "you mean what she said at dinner Wednesday night" I finally realise.

He makes a face as if to say, yes you stupid idiot and nods slow.

"Give me back my stack and I'll tell you"

"No... I'm not falling for that again" he reminds me "you and Lym can only fool me once"

"Listen that was all O, I had no idea she would double cross you"

"Sure" he returns eyebrows raised.

"Stack first... then the intel" I demand.

"You're not in a place to make demands Bird"

I let out a loud groan ""

He leans across the table, picking up a forkful of my stack and opening his mouth widely to push it in.

I reach out and grab the fork before it all disappeared "Okay okay" I give in.

I didn't want to tell Cameron about the creepy guy because it could be nothing, Ava's imagination gone wild or something. Cam was protective and I knew the moment I mentioned it he would suddenly be walking me home and coming to every practice to make sure I got home okay from there too.

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