Chapter thirty eight: Max (again)

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I sent Max our address an hour ago, I stopped in on Steve at the gate and told him to expect him and let him in.

I hadn't thought about the party preparations, my grandmother had just arrived and was helping mama and mom set up since it was tomorrow. Olympia was getting a sweet sixteen Halloween extravaganza of dreams, she didn't even know it, she still thought it was cancelled to be replaced by the family Halloween party.

There was a constant arrival of vans and trucks bringing equipment and setting up things in the yard.

It was the constant arrival of men in vehicles that made it easier for Max to arrive unseen, by me at-least.

He had told me he would text me when he was close, so I had gone round back to assist mama and Gaga with the table decor.

It was too late though, because as Mom stood out front directing the men with the gazebo, Max came right out of nowhere.

"That's perfect... a little more left" I say guiding the two guys with a large piece of Gazebo round the side gate, hoping neither decapitated themselves, or my gate, in the process.

"Hi" Came a voice beside me.

I didn't even turn, the voice not registering as that of the devil until the presence beside me felt oppressive and close, too close for comfort.

I step sideways and he moves with me, and I turn instantly, on defence, to see its him, returned.


I look around in a panic for Harper or Wren, and I grab his arm roughly and pull him away from the front windows and out of view, to the side of the house "what the hell are you doing on my property"

He smiles, that taunting and evil smile that I wanted to smack right off of his mouth.

"Oh Teddy" he says looking up toward the house and looking it over "you are living in a mansion... and yet you can't spare a million for my child's peace of mind... because if you had she wouldn't hate you right now, and she wouldn't have invited me here, to come get her, so she can be a part of her true family"

"We are her family" I reply agitatedly.

He laughs "no you pretended to be... and you could have still been playing happy families with my daughter if you weren't such a bitch about sharing the wealth. I guess she wasn't worth it to you in the end"

"What did you say to her" I demand grabbing him roughly "tell me"

He pulls his arm away "that hurt" and shakes his head with a laugh "the truth... you took her away from me because you wanted her. You and Harper broke the law and pretended she was unclaimed and unwanted so you could play happy families and steal her"

"You never wanted her" I spat at him angrily. "She was nothing to you and she still isn't. Wren is a pawn in this sick game, to get money quick... but you didn't get any fucking money did you Max"

He grins "there's still time" he assures me.

The front door opens "babe" Harper calls. "Where are you... we need your thoughts on the table colours"

I look panicked to Max, he slowly smiles until an evils grin pulls up his cheeks, he steps back into view, I reach for him, but fail, as he moves quickly in Harpers direction.

We appear in front of her as I try to stop him. Allie and Wren come out of the door, and it's like time stops, the oxygen is sucked out of the air.

The look on Harpers face is one we all see, Allie looks to her, Wren too, frozen in absolute fear at the face she never thought she would see again, a face I should have made sure she never saw again.

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