Chapter thirty two: She didnt show

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"Millie come away from the window... you've been sat there so long even Normans given up on keeping you company" Kate says.

I look back to her behind me on the couch with Norman on her lap.

"I thought she would come" I say quietly looking back out to the street that was now disappearing into the darkness of the night.

I hear Kate approach behind me, she wraps her arms around my shoulders and leans down and kisses my head "perhaps she is running late" she tries to comfort "perhaps she thought you meant tomorrow"

I find myself looking at my reflection in the window as the last of the days light disappeared on the horizon "I had it wrong I guess" I reply and I place my hands on Kates and smile weakly at her reflection behind me "I do love you Kit Kat" I add leaning back against her embrace.

"And yet you are about to leave me" she says sticking out her bottom lip.

I turn around and she steps back as I stand and move over to the couch, we both sink into opposite ends, Norman in the middle. Our positions are identical, we both have our elbows up on the pillows, our heads resting on our hands "I have to" I remind her.

"You have to leave me" she repeats solemnly.

"I will be back... we will be back" I remind her.

Kate looks down to Norman "and you are sure you are happy to take him. I can't imagine he will make the most amicable travel companion"

I laugh, for the first time in days and reach over to stroke his head, he purrs instantly and leans into my hand. "If I don't take Norman you have zero chance with Peter and I don't want to leave you alone Kate. Let me take the Antichrist on a little adventure whilst you actually get to bring your man home... no fear of him being mauled or sepsis claiming him through a cut or bite to his ankles"

Kate smiles and reaches over to place her hand on mine, her eyes mist over "I can't believe you would do that for me. But fuck, Millie, I'm not ready to miss you... either of you"

I turn my hand over and clasp hers, taking a deep breath "me neither" I confess.

"Stay" she begs for the hundredth time today

I pull my hand back into my lap leaving hers empty on the back of Norman. "I can't... I need to take a break from Eugene... and now I'm unemployed, it seems the perfect time to get on the road and go and find out more about myself, and about my birth mom... my Aunty"

Kate shakes her head slowly "I still can't believe that, that Moira brought you up for her and raised you"

My voice cracks as I feel it again, the weight of it on my chest "She's the fiercest person I've ever met" I almost whisper "it is not surprising when I truly think about it. My mother is a force of nature"

Kate nods "true... Moira's terrifying... if anyone could bring you up against the odds and also meet every goal she had professionally with ease... it's her. And I know you hate to be compared to her, but you have Moira's strength Millie and most certainly her determination"

"You mean I'm a bossy bitch" I say with a smile.

Kate laughs "not at all... I love it when you demand, it's mostly food and attention let's be honest... you and Norman have been a full time job"

I pick Norman up and smush him against my face so we are both looking toward Kate, and I make myself as cute as possible with large eyes looking to her lovingly "but a job you loved having right" I ask in a cute baby voice.

Kate smiles and leans over, pinching both of our cheeks "I have been honoured to keep you both alive, and to be both your maid and chef, Norman for the last few years, and you the last six months Mills"

I look to Norman beside my cheek, his green eyes are staring at me with pure irritation, his tail starts to swish so I place him on my lap before he swipes me one. "I've always wondered about that" I reflect.

"About what" she asks.

"How this one" I say gesturing to Norman "conned you into adopting him from the shelter" I ask stroking him on my lap and looking back to Kate, who smiles at him.

"He was mis-sold to me, he was an old ladies cat who just went into a retirement complex, apparently he just wanted food, was docile and sweet and loved everyone he ever met"

"Lies" I accuse, shaking my head and smiling "he hates everyone he ever met... he only tolerates us because we feed him... and I bet you any money she went into a retirement home just to get away from him"

"Antichrist" Kate nods in agreement, but to be honest we both loved him, his naughty streak made him more interesting and I didn't care if he disliked men, I didn't adore them as a collective either, I don't hate them but I wasn't longing to have one in my apartment so I understood the displeasure.

"And Wren" Kate asks me "why don't you call her"

I look to my phone on the table beside us "I tried... she isn't answering. I don't want her to ever think I just upped and left though without a word... so I will write a letter and leave it here incase she comes by. It's too important to text, and it only means something if she wants to hear it, if she never comes by, she never needed to hear it in the first place"

"What are you going to say" Kate asks.

I take a deep breath and sit up little, gazing off to the bag on the kitchen counter, an empty bag with the Greek restaurants logo on it.

"That I love her... and that if she wants me... il come back for her" I reveal honestly.

I look back to Kate who is wiping a tear from her cheek.

I smile "why are you crying" I ask "I'm not dying... I will be back" I reassure her.

"Because I know it hurts you" she says so quietly I can barely hear her, her voice breaking slightly.

My eyes fill, my chest rises and falls in quick succession as the emotion rises up my throat to see my best friend looking at me this way.

"I'm okay" I promise.

"You're not Mills. You are in pain and I can see it behind your smile and through your laughter... and to top off this news about your mom... Wren didn't even show. When it all turned to shit and got real, she didn't show up for you"

My eyes spill, my nostrils flare a little at the truth of that statement.

She didn't show up for me.

"I know there's a reason Kate. I haven't known her long, I know that, but I felt what I meant to her, many times, I've felt what I've meant to her... and it's exactly what I feel for her in return. I love her. I am not leaving here with a broken heart, I refuse to, I have to believe in her... I do believe in her. She will come...I know she will"

Kate nods and takes my hand again "and when she does I will give her the letter and tell her exactly how to find you again"

"Thank you" I say leaning over Norman who scurries off of the couch as I threaten to squish him, at my hurry to reach for Kate and hug her.

"I love you" I say wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Oh Millicent Dawson... I love you too"

*This song and this chapter... I totally had tears writing this scene with Kate*😭🥺

More tomorrow ✍🏻

WrenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon