Chapter eighteen: Some guy was here

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When I make it to training after breakfast with Cam, I am met with both Clark and Alex in their cleats and work out gear, about to do laps of the field.

"Hey" I shout over.

"Nomikos" Alex calls "just in time" she adds.

"Sorry I'm a little late... where is everyone" I ask, looking around to the half empty field.

Clark nods toward the building "Coach sent half of us into the gym ... then we will swap over after an hour"

I look around, Ava was in this group, doing stretches up field with Lexi, she spots me and runs over.

"Wren can I have a minute" she asks and she taps my arm and guides me to one side.

"If it's about this morning I'm sorry you heard all that. Truly" I offer.

Ava smiles and brushes my arm with her hand "honestly it's fine... you deserve to have fun Wren... I'm not the sex police... I know you are going to be having fun at college... I'm not stupid. It's not about that though"

I frown "oh... what's up" I ask curiously.

Ava looks around and pulls me further away from the other girls. She looks around and then leans in to whisper "some guy was here"

I must look completely confused because I had no idea where this was going. "And" I ask shrugging my shoulders.

Ava's eyebrows knit together "Wren he was looking for you... he seemed to know we had training today..."

"Who was it" I ask "one of the family"

Ava shakes her head "he told coach he was but I know your family, and Wren, I've never seen this guy before. He gave me the creeps"

I feel my entire body shudder at her words because it sounded both odd and creepy.

"What did he look like?" I ask.

"Tall, darker hair, brown eyes I think... short hair... he looked loaded actually... expensive looking outfit... a show off. His gold rimmed shades matched his freaking obscenely large gold watch"

"How old" I ask "would you guess" I ask.

"No idea... thirties... forties perhaps... but handsome... very handsome"

I am thrown at the description because it didn't sound like anyone in my family, nor anyone in my life.

"No doubt a reporter... they still write about my moms in tabloids... always have. I expect someone mentioned their daughter was in this team and they wanted to write some piece on it...they've been like that since mom did that show a couple years ago. It renewed interest in her personal life"

"The celebrity version of survivor ... I loved her in that... she kicked ass" Ava says with a smile at the thought.

"She did ... mama has never let her do a show since... she missed her too much, it was only a month but it felt to mama like a whole damn year. She got paid a small fortune for it though" I remember "but now with the coaching job she has luckily been home mostly, to mamas relief. I swear my parents are totally Codependent at this point"

Ava smiles "your parents are the best... I miss them" she muses "I've never seen a married couple show each other so much affection constantly... totally codependent but totally loved up"

"Totally" I reply "I better go throw my bag in the locker room... be right back" I say running over to the double doors and entering the soccer hub.

"Your Late Nomikos... I won't have you be late again this semester" Coach calls after me.

"Sorry coach ... won't happen again" I call back.

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