Chapter twenty six: An unfortunate morning after

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The sensation of skin on skin, and a warm body pressed to mine, I could get used to waking up this way, with Wren.

Last night was the most intense and overwhelming night I have ever had with another human being, a night that seemed to last seconds in my ache to keep it forever, dawn coming like a thief to take it from me.

As light began to creep into the room, I felt myself hold her a little tighter, like she would vanish as it crept up her body.

It wasn't dawn though that removed me from under Wrens thigh, her arm too, thrown over me, it was the loud "meow" and whine from outside my bedroom door and the nails that dragged purposefully slow down its frame.

I methodically remove Wrens body from mine, something I could have happily never done, and I slip out of the covers, looking back to admire the slender shoulders and the beautiful back of the girl that I suddenly realised, without a doubt, that I loved.

She was an absolute vision, and I think I stood there for a moment or two, smiling stupidly, wondering how I had ever found her, in a world full of people, when all odds were against it, the girl who would finally, steal my heart.

Normans continued whines snap me out of the sweet realisation and I grab my robe and tie it around my waist.

"My liege" I acknowledge as I slowly and quietly open the door.

Two green eyes looked back at me in the dark of the hall, and before I have even stepped out he is wrapping around my ankles and purring, his lips dragging his chin up my flesh and leaving a trail of Norman love drool in its wake.

"Wonderful" I observe and I walk away hurriedly to the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up. Norman sits on the vanity and watches as I do. I look to the shower and then back to him "give me five minutes and I'll feed you... I promise" and I hop into the shower, turning the faucet, thankful that our water pressure in this apartment was sent from the heavens above, the apartment lottery was indeed won.

A minute later, my hands up in my hair, washing the shampoo away, strangers hands take my hips. I turn slightly with surprise to find Wren shutting the shower door behind herself, her breasts press to my back, her hands land on my stomach and she kisses my neck. "I woke up to find you had escaped" she mused.

"Blame Norman" I return "I didn't want him to wake you, so I got up"

Soft kisses ran up the back of my neck "so you escaped from me"

"I would have happily been claimed by your legs all weekend"

"Then let me stay all weekend and... you can" she offers.

My eyes close as her hands move up to my breasts, and squeeze softly. How could I say no to such an offer. "Please" I return, perhaps a little too breathlessly.

Millie turns and allows our bodies to press together under the shower, her breasts slipping against mine, the heat of the water is a welcomed sensation against my aching muscles, my shoulders, my arms, my stomach, my thighs, every one of them overly worked last night in moments of passion, and then a love making that I wasn't expecting. Hours spent on top of and then underneath Millie, hours where the outside world and the threat of the end were but a distant fear, but on waking it was my first thought, that what if today was the day it ended, and I knew then, that I couldn't let that be it. I had to prolong every second and every moment I had with her, for fear, that it truly would be it, by Monday morning.

With thoughts of losing Millie came intense waves of longing, they overcame me, threatening to escape my eyes and run down my cheeks. I couldn't let the waves claim me, instead I took the longing and gave it to Millie, kissing and caressing her body under the shower, offering her all of me and giving myself hurriedly, begging almost, for her to have me right this second, and my pleas are met as she takes my hips and turns us so that her body presses against me under the shower, forcing me against the cool tiles of the wall. In the moment and as my head turns slightly to offer her my neck, I forget that there is imminent threat, and unfortunately, I forget Ava, and the fact I had asked her to come and see me.

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