Chapter thirty seven: Roof top chats

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It's Friday morning, the fog has rolled in again, I've been sat on the roof, knees tucked under my chin, for three hours, as night turned to dawn and the world woke.

How can one sleep when it is the day you find out about who you truly are, about how you came to be, and about your parents, did they lie to me? Did max?! I would find out in only a few hours.

Olympia, Josie and Bash would soon set off for school, and be out of the way, I made sure of that, because I didn't want them to know, not any of it.

"Hey" Came O's raspy voice, more so since it was full of sleep.

I turn to see her slowly manoeuvring the roof so she didn't slip, we usually avoided the roof in wet or cold weather for slippy tiles. Although it hadn't rained overnight, the fog gave everything it touched, a slight, moist, kiss.

I reach for Olympia and guide her down beside me safely, her long wavy dark hair is tucked up in a messy bun, she is wearing her pyjama top,  black sweat pants with tan ugg boots to keep her ankles and feet snug, and I smile softly to observe her.

"What" she asks, not trusting of my unusual sweet smile.

"I just can't believe how beautiful my sister can look when she just woke up... it's massively unfair for the rest of us" I comment looking back over the front aspect of our home.

Olympia smiles "a compliment Wren... how very twilight zone of you" she says nudging my shoulder with hers affectionately.

"It is Halloween tomorrow so the vibes are in the ether... as are you, O, I honestly cannot believe you are sixteen in under twenty four hours"

"Right" she asks, tucking her knees up like mine under her chin.

I turn slightly and observe her, she gazes over the front yard, and I still sense something isn't quite right, like behind those big brown eyes are a host of troubles, and they make her usual chocolate button eyes seem swampy.

"What's going on in here" I ask touching her temple softly.

She looks sideways to me "nothing" she lies.

"Something" I return "I see it"

She sits up a little and leans back on her hands "okay but promise you won't freak out"

I roll my eyes automatically and she hits me playfully "promise" she asks again.

"Promise" I return begrudgingly and I sit up myself and brace myself, for whatever she had to reveal.

I knew though...I knew what it was, I felt it coming.

"Cole and I..." she begins.

My heart literally speeds up with apprehension, my stomach hurts, as if I'm over a steep cliff and waiting for the drop.

Her eyes find mine and her forehead creases with her anxiety to confess something she knew I would hate to hear.

"We slept together" she reveals.

I throw my hands over my face to hide my reaction.

How could I kill Cole and make it look like an accident?!

"That's illegal" I say agitatedly removing my hands "you know it right" I ask. "That that's not okay Olympia... you are fifteen" I stress.

She nods slowly, the look on her face tells me she knows it, and it's been weighing on her.

"When" I ask.

"A while ago" she confesses. "For like half the year" she adds and I shake my head with no words for her.

"You are too young" I say angrily "you shouldn't have been having sex with him once, let alone half a fucking year... and you've lied to me. You told me you were waiting"

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