Chapter thirteen: The dinner

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*Extended chapter length* I advise you read this chapter when you have the time to take it in* 😉😉 Enjoy!


"So, Ava invited you for dinner...and it's not a date" Jade asked as she watched me choose an outfit in the floor length, closet mirror.

I held a dress up against myself, frowned and threw it down in a pile that was forming at my feet. "It's not a date" I confirm.

Jade raises her eyebrows at me as I watch her in the mirror "it's not" I reiterate.

"I'm just saying...if a guy asked me to dinner one on's a date" she adds and she takes a large bite of a snickers from the care package.

I turn around, holding a cute dress up, Jade nods "you will look adorable in that" she confirms with a smile "sooo cute that Ava may want to take a bite out of you"

I throw it down onto the bed letting out a whoosh of air from my lungs "then I can't wear it"

I was going to dinner with Ava to rid ourselves of old ghosts and perhaps put the whole thing to bed, not to attract her to myself more and have her put me to bed.

"By the way... Joshua and I broke up" Jade reveals as she unwraps another candy bar and bites it with a glum look on her face.

"Oh noo" I say jumping over the bed and wrapping my arm around her as I sank into her mattress. "What happened" I ask.

"Four years of my life he's had...and then he decides the distance is too much in four weeks...and he's dumped me" she confesses.

I rub her arms soothingly "oh Jade...I'm so sorry"

"I love just hurts"  she says tearing up.

I lean against her affectionately "I've just been through it... I know it hurts, and I know it will feel like the end of the world and you will think there is nobody else out there for you, but I promise in time, the pain subsides, and he won't be on your mind every minute just need time" I say giving her a squeeze.

This conversation with Jade brought up all those buried feelings I had when Ava broke up with me, and suddenly I'm mad with her again, how she could leave me hanging for so long, so cruelly.

This dinner suddenly felt like a terrible idea, when there was clearly still pain flickering inside.

The knock at the door made us both jump "who is it" I ask.

"The tooth fairy... I hear you are harbouring a sugar filled box of tooth decay in this building and I'm here to arrest you"

"Cameron ...shut up" I throw back, but Jade is at-least now smiling as she chuckles at his poor dad joke.

He peeks his head around the door, his charming smile replaced with a frown as he spots Jades tears that are still wetting her cheek despite her smile. "What happened" he asks coming in fully and kneeling down beside her.

Jade looks to him, eyes full of tears, and he stands, sitting himself instead on the end of the bed beside us both, and wrapping her up in his arms.

"Joshua dumped me" she wails into his shoulder and he runs his hand up and down her arm at a quickened pace to soothe her.

"Well Joshua is a fuck wit" Cam says and Jade laughs through the tears "and he doesn't know how good he had it with the most gorgeous and wonderful girl. The sweetest girl I've had the pleasure of meeting so far at university"

"Thanks" Clark interjects sarcastically, entering the room and joining us.

"So who died" she adds and Jade begins to bawl again as I throw my finger up over my lips for Clark to refrain from saying more. I stand and push her back out of the room, leaving Cam to do what he does best... console a girl in need.

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