Chapter thirty nine: Cuckoo in the nest

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"Wren" Cam greets, surprised to find me at his front door "what's happened" he asks searching my features.

I start to sob as I collapse into his arms and he holds me tightly.

"I fucked up" i whimper into his t shirt.

"Come on" he says and he guides me through to the family room where he sat me down slowly beside him "what happened"

"I invited Max to the house" I begin.

Cam looks like he winced.

"I know... terrible idea" I manage to say through tears "he showed up before I knew he was there... and him and my mom had clearly been fighting... then my mama saw him... oh Cameron it was exactly what we thought"

"He hurt her" he asks quietly.

I nod and release another sob as Cam strokes my cheek "it's okay" he says "you didn't know" he adds calmly trying to reassure me.

"I did though" I say sobbing and hiccuping and trying to catch my breath when my entire body felt like it was trying to strangle me.

"I won't ever forget my mamas face...Cam she was terrified"

"Did they have it out" he asks.

I shake my head and wipe my eyes "no Mama took off into the house... she just broke Cam. I didn't even have to ask questions because in that moment, I just knew, I knew he had hurt her. Gaga and mom they had it out with him and then Lala, my aunties arrived as it all got a little intense...and out of control"

"Nomikos" Cam agrees.

"They saw him off and he realised I didn't believe him, and that I wasn't falling for his shit. Let's be honest, I'm an adult, there wasn't much more he could do now, he can't come for custody of me or tell me anymore shit... because I have my own mind and my parents are my world... despite them not being honest with me, he can't erase the nineteen years of love and the bond that we share"

"He's a monster" Cam says shaking his head disbelieving "poor Harper"

I would have to return home sooner or later and let my parents finally talk to me, but I knew there was a lot more details I didn't want to know, but that I would have to learn, to move on.

"And Olympia told me she's breaking up with Cole"

"Good" Cam says releasing a relieved breath
"Before her sixteenth birthday cherry popping....Thank god"

I make a face, wrinkling up my nose.

Cams eyes widen at the obvious truth "nooo she's underage" he says enraged.

I nod "I know..."

"I'm going to kill him" Cam says as his face turns red.

"I think we might have to borrow Gagas paintball gun" I reply "less fatal but seems to hurt just as bad"

"Allie has a paintball gun?" Cam questions.

"New project that ended up being the main assault weapon in what just happened to Max" I reveal.

Cam bites his lip, most probably wanting to laugh at the thought of Gaga with a gun, but knowing it wasn't the time or place. I couldn't blame him, sometimes in moments of utter hell you wanted to laugh, because laughter was like a hand reaching and pulling you out of the dark. I always worried I would laugh at a funeral, a bizarre fear, I guess because it was the most inappropriate time to do so, and so my twisted mind wanted too, to fuck me over. I remember Ericas funeral, being sat beside mom and mama, and everyone listening to a poem that Gaga had written for her, and everyone was crying, and I thought to myself that this would be the worst time to laugh, and I spent the next five minutes fighting it away. I wasn't amused, don't get me wrong, I was in pain, we all were, she had been there all of my life, she was a great grandmother to us, like another parent to Lala and of course Mary's wife, it was devastating to lose her so suddenly and our family shrunk that day, by one, everyone felt it.

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