Chapter ten: The care package

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Mondays at uni were the most Monday Mondays you could imagine, but today we at least had a home game and Mom was bringing both O and Lala with her to watch. I missed them so much it was kinda ridiculous but my grandparents had just sent a package I could snack on for a year and still not get to the bottom of.

"Allie and Willa sent a care package that you may need help getting into your room" my Mom had let me know a day before it arrived.

No shit Mom, the package was a large cube shaped box that I could put Jade in and send her home to France in. Clark and Cam helped me lift it up the stairs and Marissa and Jade both came to our rescue as we tried to pivot around the last bend, almost losing it back down the stairs sending candy flying every which way.

"For everyone, from Wren" was written on the top of it. I was curious what I was about to gift everyone vicariously through my grandparents.

"Ooh it's for us all" Clark had observed. "I love your grandparents already" she mused.

"They are pretty great" I reply as we finally get it onto our floor and collapse around it, Clark pawing at it, desperate to find a weak spot and push her greedy little fingers into it.

"Clark for goodness sake" i mutter "here" I say handing her the scissors "go to town"

Clark doesn't hesitate, she grabs the scissors and pulls the tape off of the top and cuts the binds until the box bursts open and candies of every kind that I love come pouring out like a sea of spectacular coloured sugar, packets of skittles and M&Ms, Twizzlers, Mike&Ikes, snickers and peanut butter cups.

"Jesus" Cam observes scooping up some M&Ms "I knew Willa always had the best snacks and ice cream at hers but she went all out for this care package... why isn't she my grandmother" he muses as he opens the packet and starts popping coloured chocolate beans into his mouth.

"She is... kinda" I reply and I take out the note and find there are two, and one is for Cam.

"Here" I say handing it over "told you"



We hope you're loving university so far, we missed you at the family dinner the last few Friday nights and we wanted you to know it, how we miss you, we love you kid.

Bastion is missing his gamer friend, Josephine misses your pitching for her out back, apparently you have the best arm, and Olympia looks at your chair frequently in a day dream, it's safe to say the Jameson and Nomikos are a little lost without you and we look forward to seeing you for Halloween!

We have sent you guys enough candy to last out the year I think, and Halloween too before you come home of course. The M&Ms are yours and if you dig deep enough to the bottom of the box, Allie has been knitting, it's her new hobby, so there's a hat, gloves and a scarf in the university colours... some for Wren too. Don't feel you have to wear them, but take a picture in them and pretend you do, she will love that.

Look after our girl please, not that you ever need reminding, we want you both home in one piece.

Have fun Cameron,

Willa & Allie


Our littlest bird, we miss you so much that Gaga can't even look at your pictures without tearing up, we love you so so much!

I am so excited to come down to the game on Monday, to see one of my favourite red heads running about on that pitch! Gaga wishes she could make it but her and your mama are helping Josie's school out with a craft fair. Next time!

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