Chapter fifteen: Away game

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When I wake up it's ten on the Saturday morning, a tickle in my nose makes me sneeze, so violently an unsuspecting Norman goes flying across the room from my chest, his tail hair having been the offending tickle.

He turns back to me from the doorway, his ears back, his face serving "I will murder you in your sleep" vibes.

"That was all you, you fluffy fool... stop sleeping on top of me.. I do not consent" I shout.

"What the hell is going on" Kate says, appearing in some work out gear I had never seen before, a sports vest and bright pink yoga pants.

"Norman got a fright... and now he's threatening to slaughter all of mankind" I reply.

Kate looks down to Normans tail swishing about violently, like a snake about to strike. "He just needs food... are you hungry" she asks me.

I raise my eyebrows to Norman and then look to Kate "I would wave a white flag for a bagel or a sweet treat" I offer.

"Okay... I'm going for a run with Olivia. She's helping me with my fitness goals... we can grab something on the way back..."

"Sounds good... you know I could have taken you to the gym with me"

" I know, but I knew she ran Saturdays before the games, so I thought I would join her... now can I trust you two alone together for an hour"  Kate asks as she looks to us both judgementally.

I look to Norman who is still ears pinned back and tail flicking this way and that erratically.

"One of us will for sure be dead by your return... but don't worry about us... it's time we had this out"

Kate rolls her eyes "Millie get up and get a coffee and feed him... he will love you again" she suggests.

"Um... no" I retort "he needs to apologise... he stuck his tail up my nose and made me wake up with my heart flinging out of my chest"

"Lord have mercy on my soul" Kate says doing the sign of the cross. "See whomever survives later" she says singing a song as she goes.

The sound of the door slamming shut had Norman and I glaring at each other again.

"You first" I suggest to his feral stare down.

I spent the next hour with my laptop, typing in a few alterations to my college teaching plan. I had found we were moving quicker through the syllabus than I had expected, but this was my first year and I knew I would have a few teething troubles to work out. I glance to the empty coffee cup beside me, and groan, what I wouldn't do for a large pumpkin spice latte with heart stopping amounts of cream on top.

"We are back" comes Kates sing song voice through the front door.

She appears in front of me like a sweaty angel, and from the coffee shop in heaven, with my desired drink in her hands and a small brown bag, that, if I dared to dream, had something frosted inside.

"I'm suspicious that Norman didn't greet me" she observes.

Olivia comes in behind her and shuts the door, sucking on a straw of a ridiculously large iced coffee.

"I told you... only the strongest would survive" I tease and I reach out eagerly as she hands me the coffee and little brown bag.

Olivia sits down beside me, her gaze falling on my laptop. "Oh Mills do you ever stop working" she asks me.

"She doesn't" Kate interjects as she searches the apartment for Norman, which made me smile, did she really think he had met his demise.

"I had a few tweaks to make to my schedule is all" I argue "and I don't always work... but I guess I do... more than i don't" I confess.

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