Chapter twenty eight: The implosion

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"What do you mean" I ask.

The sounds of frustration are immediate "Millicent is she with you now... Wren Nomikos" she asks.

"Is a student at your apartment" she asks more directly.

I run my hand up over my brow and through my hair, the stress and anxiety I felt was instant and I paced beside the kitchen as Kate looked on with a worried frown.

"Mother it's not..." but before I can finish she cuts me off angrily.

"Is there a student in your home" she shouts.

"Mother" I beg.

"Tell me" she demands angrily.

"Yes" I confess.

It sounded as if all the air left her lungs and I had struck her. The silence that followed made tears form behind my eyes, fear, knowing I had disappointed her beyond her worst nightmares , knowing that this new found relationship was now known about and would most probably end tonight, it was the end, of not just us but potentially my career.

"Her friends are looking for her...her parents too apparently...please send her home this instant and have her call her parents" She instructs "and then come home... we have a shit storm to contain Millicent...because they don't know about you, the Dean and the president of the university... they think it's me"

"I'm so sorry" I beg "mother I will fix this" I promise.

I turn to see Wren who is now dressed with her belongings and stood like she is ready to leave, I frown at her, why is she already dressed to leave?!

"Be here within the hour" my mother instructs as she ends the call abruptly.

I throw the cell onto the couch and look to Wren "why are you dressed" I ask.

She looks strange, concerned, like someone has died and she doesn't know how to tell me.

"It sounded intense out here... and I doubt you want me here anymore" she responds.

A curious choice of words.

"Of course I want you ..."

A weird feeling washes over me as I look to her guilty expression, it was written all over her face, even Kate read the room "I'm going to leave you two to it" and she disappeared quickly into her bedroom.

Wren moves across the room and her hands reach for me "Millie I'm sorry" she begs.

I flinch away from her "Wren ... what did you do?" I ask as my mind begins to whirl with confusion.

"Nothing...I swear. I didn't tell anyone" she says reaching for me again.

I take a step back "then why are you sorry" I repeat frustratedly.

She stops and runs her hand down her face anxiously before looking back to my waiting gaze "Ava...she has been watching me like a hawk, she thinks I'm seeing a faculty member. I told her I wasn't, but she saw your lipstick on me the other week"

I hold my head in my hands at that, my mistake.

"and then yesterday she saw me with your mom at lunch...and she put two and two together" she reveals.

"Oh my god" I cry out and I sit down on the side of the arm chair "your ex girlfriend thinks you are sleeping with my mother" I ask, my gaze more of an accusing one. "And shes reported it" I question.

Wren looks pained "I hoped not" is all she says.

"But you had an idea she might" I ask.

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