Chapter fourteen: Sisterly concern

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When I get in from the dinner, Jade is asleep, and Clark's room opposite is empty, still out dancing I assume. I grab my toiletries and head down the hall to the showers.

Ava and I had got back minutes ago, the dinner with her had been eclipsed by the intimacy with Millie in the restroom, something I couldn't stop thinking about when I sat back down with Ava afterward. I felt guilty that I had done that whilst she was sat out in the restaurant, and we weren't even together, Ava and I, but it felt disrespectful.

I stop by her door again, only just having left her, and I knock softly.

The bright smile that greets me is one that is happy to see me, she wouldn't be for long.

"Hi" she greets "you okay"

I offer a polite smile "yes... and no" I reveal honestly.

She frowns "what is it" she asks and she steps out of the way so I can enter the room.

I walk inside and turn instantly "I need to tell you something" I confess hesitantly.

"You can tell me anything" she says brushing my arm with her fingers "I promise"

I mull it over in my head, how to say this, but I just blurt it out quite uncontrollably instead "I am seeing someone" I reveal, which wasn't quite the way I would describe fucking your teacher but it went some way to describe it without landing myself in trouble.

"Oh" she replies, taken aback a little.

"Who is she" she asks curiously.

"Nobody on the team... don't worry" I say jovially, trying to lighten the mood, but it doesn't help. Ava looks upset.

"Sorry...I don't meant to act this way" she says trying to remove the frown from her face.

"It's okay... I know it hurts... seeing you with Connor... it hurt me too... but you won't see me with her I promise" I offer.

She looks confused "why won't I see you with her" she asks.

I realise my error "she's not a student so she's not hanging around where you do" I offer vaguely, desperate to cover up my mistake.

"And what made you decide to tell me?" She asks.

"We are trying to be friends... I felt like I should tell you" I reply honestly. "And I saw her tonight at the restaurant... we bumped into each other... quite by accident"

"And that's why you took so long coming back to the table?" She asks frowning.

I nod, ashamed at what she had just realised.

"So, I took you to dinner... and you... what?" She asked "fucked in the restroom? Kissed?" She asked annoyed.

I can't hide the way I shrink at her words, I felt awful.

"We had a moment is all and I'm sorry... it was not pre planned and we got carried away, and I just wanted to be honest with you that I am seeing someone... it's not like I have to explain... we aren't together Ava. I just wanted to start this friendship off honestly..." I say frustratedly.

"Well thanks so much Wren for your honesty" Ava says sarcastically, opening up her door and gesturing for me to leave.

"I'm sorry" I say again as I pass her, but my words are met with the door shutting at my back.

Well honesty was not the best policy in this case, fuck sake!

I stand at the bathroom mirror and brush out my wet hair after the shower. I had washed away Millie, everywhere her lips had touched me... which felt criminal, to wash away the intimacy when I ached to feel it again. I hadn't had this with Ava, yes we were intimate but it was within the confines of a relationship and I knew her. I had known Ava since I was a little girl, she wasn't new to me, but Millie, I didn't know anything much at all about her, but I had the urge to know it all, my thoughts flitted between lustful thoughts of her to the more innocent ones...

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