Chapter thirty: The end of the road

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*Hi guys, I'm back in action! Thanks for your patience, and without further ado, let's get back into it ✌🏼👩🏻‍🦰 🌈

I had text and called Millie for hours but I hadn't heard back. I am relieved though by her message last night, and the revelation that she loved me.

She loved me!!

I type one more message before I needed to get up and go knock on Ava's door.

Hey, I'm not sure if you are getting these messages. Millie you don't need to fix anything. I am taking Ava down to the university this morning and having her retract her statement. Please, don't do anything hasty and just wait for me to make this go away. I hope your mother hasn't killed you :( seriously! X Wren

I would take Ava over to the Deans office as soon as it was daylight, the Dean was always in for an hour on weekend mornings. I couldn't lose Millie to this disaster, she meant far more to me than a fling, and if I got the chance to confess it to her, I would, because I loved her too.

It's a foggy morning, I can barely see the trees outside of mine and Jades window as dawn approaches, and if this was an omen for how my day was going to go, it was looking like Halloween came early.

I feel so tired, I had barely slept last night, Cameron is back to back with me in the single bed, how he slept so deeply I would never know, because Jade rolled onto her back at two AM and she snored like a warthog with a restricted airway, they were quite the perfect pair, she snores and he sleeps through anything.

My mind wouldn't switch off all night. I felt so guilty for what had happened with Millie's mom, and horribly guilty for not telling Millie when I knew it was a possibility that Ava would act on her hunch.

I struggle out of the covers that are tucked under Cameron's weight and wrapped around me tightly, and I swing my legs over the side of the bed. My head pounds as soon as I am sat vertically. I place my hand to my temple and close my eyes momentarily to the sensation of tension that was taking my brain as a victim into its vice like clutch.

"Fuck" I whisper.

My phone lights up beside me, it's Olympia.

I'm up early and wanted to say that I'm glad you're okay. I have a tournament game in Washington late morning, the entire family are coming. Lala is taking me up early with mom, and aunty Callie, the family's 'basketball nuts' all in one vehicle, mama says it's the best place for us, we can chat ball for three hours without boring the rest of them to tears. Mama will drive up with Gaga, Mary, Josie and Bash a little later. I kinda did freak out last night that you were missing by the way. I have been a jerk and I'm sorry x it was great to see you and Cam. See you Wednesday night. Please be careful with your heart x

O, please be careful with yours!! And i was so happy to see you guys too. I miss you Olympia, both of us do. Be back soon x love you x please behave until then x rooftop chats incoming... 🏡

Truth is Wren, my heart is actually still very much with me... I've not given it up, I lied. Am I broken?! Cole tells me I am. Rooftop chats much needed x 👯‍♀️💬❤️‍🩹

Good to hear it, you're not broken little sister... you are sensible and perhaps your heart knows something you don't x

Well I wish it would tell me! Cole is losing patience with me... he keep pressuring me to say it and... I can't! 🙄😣

Nobody should feel pressured to say or do anything in a relationship Olympia. Let's talk in detail this week, this is too important to text about x

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