Chapter thirty six: Setting Millie free

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I had avoided my parents for most of Thursday. I could tell my mom wanted to talk but I knew I wouldn't be able to talk with her and not ask her or have her find out why I was so hurt and mad.

I kept busy, I dropped Josie and Olympia to school, Bash too, and then instead of going straight home, I went to visit my grandparents house.

My grandparents home wasn't far from ours, but it was very different, it was a charming four bed, beside the water, the winding driveway led you up through trees where it suddenly appeared like a cottage from a movie, and today the smoke coming from the chimney signalled that someone was home.

My grandmothers were only in their fifties and certainly didn't look like typical grandparents, gaga had my mama when she was only eighteen, and so even now, she isn't even sixty yet, incredibly youthful, both of them. Lala still coached basketball, at the special education school locally that my mama also worked at, and in the community at weekends too, but gaga had semi retired and loved being at home in the peaceful plot of land that they had both worked hard to make theirs, quite the dream come true. Lala likes to joke they see big foot on the regular in the surrounding forest, Bastion loves that idea and will stay over there and go on hikes with them to see if they can hunt him down.

I've not long pulled into the spot beside Gagas car when she opens the old wooden front door with a broad smile, her red hair pulled up into a cute braid that circled her head like a crown, the one we all knew her for.

"Willa come here... we have company" she calls.

They both appear then, Mary too and urge me in "hey littlest bird" Willa greets as she pulls me under her arm and walks me toward the house.

"Hey Lala" I return as she kisses my forehead.

"What did we do to deserve your presence" Gaga asks as she takes me into her arms "I missed you" she whispers.

"You guys too... and thanks again for the care package... we are still getting through it" I confess.

Gaga laughs and let's me loose.

Mary smiles as she steps forward and squeezes my hand "Welcome home Wren"

I look to her lovingly, Mary was getting old, she looked more tired than last time I had seen her, happy though and quite at home here with my grandparents. I loved that she lived here with them, I knew Lala thought of her like her own mom, and she liked to look after her, like she had done with her.

"Come on in kid" Lala says opening the door for us all to file indoors.

The inside of the home is probably the most warm and welcoming of any home I have ever stepped into, they loved to hold gatherings and have friends stay, and you felt that, like not only they, but the house, welcomed you in.

The front aspect had views over the water, lake Oswego, and the back looked out to the trees that surrounded the home and the wildlife they always encouraged into the yard, including the Sasquatch community.

The smell that wafted under your nose was warm spice, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla tones... always like a pie was cooking in the oven.

"So tell us... how's university" Lala asked as she sat in her armchair.

I sunk into the couch beside the window, watching birds fly by to the bird feeders in the front yard. Gaga sinks into the spot beside me and grabs my hand to hold "tell us... everything" she asks excitedly.

Mary cocks an eyebrow from the chair beside Lalas and grabs the arms tightly as if bracing herself "Everything" she agrees. "I know there's a love interest" she poked with a jovial smile.

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